rahbar zare M, Noorbakhsh F, Honarmand jahromi S. Assessment of virulence factors(elastase and phospholipase) and antibiotic susceptibility in Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from clinical samples. NCMBJ 2018; 8 (29) :31-38
,Department of Microbiology, Biological Science College, Varamin-pishva branch,Islamic Azad University,Varamin-Pishva,Iran , niloofar_noorbakhsh@yahoo.com
Abstract: (5785 Views)
Aim and Background:
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the most important pathogen cause infection in hospital in world. Different virulence gene exsist in this bacteria, which interfere in pathogenesis and infection.
The aim of this study was evaluation of antibiotic susceptibility pattern and identify virulence genes plcH, lasB, plcN of P. aeruginosa isolated from clinical samples.
Material and methods:
In this study 100 Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated of human cases of burn in 1395.
Antibiotic susceptibility test was performed by disk diffusion method. Genomic DNA were extracted from isolated strains and Multiplex- PCR performed to determine the preavalence of each of the tested genes.
Result: The scope age of patients were 20-90 years, and 46 patient were male and 52 were female.The prevalence of plcN and plcH observed 98 percent and lasB 100 percent. The highest resistance to antibiotics were observed in ampicillin and cefoxitin with the frequency of 93% and 96% respectively.
Conclusion:The high prevalence of plcH, lasB, plcN gene in Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated of skin case of burn revealed that this genes are an important virulence factors in burn infections.
Type of Study:
Research Article |
Microbiology Received: 2018/02/27 | Accepted: 2018/02/27 | Published: 2018/02/27