Volume 4, Issue 15 (9-2014)                   NCMBJ 2014, 4(15): 107-113 | Back to browse issues page

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zarei M, arjmand M, mohammadi M, chiani M, ebrahimi shahmabadi H, akbarzadeh khiavi A. Preparation and in vitro evaluation of nano-niosomal pegylated paclitaxel and nano-liposomal pegylated pclitaxel . NCMBJ 2014; 4 (15) :107-113
URL: http://ncmbjpiau.ir/article-1-561-en.html
Department of Chemical Engineering, Islamic Azad University of Shahrood, Shahrood, Iran. , mohammad_z6369@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (14921 Views)
Aim&Background: One of the chemotherapy drugs used to treat breast cancer is a paclitaxel which may be followed by side effects such as weakening of the bone marrow. It has recently been shown that nanotechnology can be used to further reduce side effects, and increase the efficiency of treatment. The aim of this investigation is to prepare nano-niosomal pegylated paclitaxel and nano-liposomal pegylated paclitaxel nanoparticles for its cytotoxic effect on breast cancer cell line. 
Materials and Methods: Paclitaxel by ether was prepared by injection method of nano-niosomal pegylated and nano-liposomal pegylated form. For preparation of nano-niosomal pegylated paclitaxel, specific ratio of Span 60, cholesterol, and polyethylene glycol 2000 Dalton and paclitaxel were mixed. For the preparation of nano-liposomal pegylated paclitaxel specific ratio of phosphatidylcolin, cholesterol and polyethylene glycol 2000 Da and paclitaxel were mixed. Also the dialysis bag method and MTT test were used to check the release and toxicity of formulations prepared. 
Results: We were able to increase encapsulation amount of paclitaxel drug in niosomal pegylated nanoparticles with a significant amount of liposomal pegylated paclitaxel nanoparticles. Niosomal pegylated nanoparticles average diameter is smaller than the nano-liposomal pegylated paclitaxel. The encapsulation rate was significantly higher in both formulations. 
Conclusions: This study showed that the niosomal paclitaxel formulation has a better performance than liposomal paclitaxel formulation and apart from nano-carrier, both formulations have the potential of in-vivo experiments and clinical outcome are discussed. By dialysis, drug release in nano-niosome and nano-liposome Paclitaxel formulation within 48 hours was studied. This study showed that cytotoxicity effect of nano-niosome and nano-liposome Paclitaxel is more than that of standard form.
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Type of Study: Research Article | Subject: Genetics
Received: 2014/09/28 | Accepted: 2014/09/28 | Published: 2014/09/28

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