Volume 6, Issue 22 (4-2016)                   NCMBJ 2016, 6(22): 73-82 | Back to browse issues page

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Amini Nia H, Nazemi A, Irani S. Study of V617F mutation in JAK2 gene in patients of suspected thrombosis with Taq man Allele Specific Real Time PCR method. NCMBJ 2016; 6 (22) :73-82
URL: http://ncmbjpiau.ir/article-1-813-en.html
Department of Genetic, Islamic Azad University of Tonekabon branch, Tonekabon,Iran , alinazemy@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (9946 Views)

Aim and Background: Formation of the blood clot inside a blood vessel is known as thrombose or thrombosis. This complication usually appears through the blood platelets. The tendency to clot originates from external and genetic factors which in turn, is a result of changing in the clotting mechanism.

With the aim of applying a method known as ''Taq man Allele- Specific Real-Time'' for diagnosis and screening of V617F mutation in JAK2 gene, this study was carried out in those patients being susceptible to thrombosis.

Materials and Methods: In this study, through referring to the Pathobiology Laboratory of RASHT city situated in Guilan province, 110 perfect bloods from the afflicted individuals and 105 perfect bloods from the ordinary individuals (lacking past record of the disease) were provided out of the referrers in order to study the thrombosis factors and, after DNA extraction from the whole samples, required measures to study presence of V617F mutation in JAK2 gene were taken by a method known as Taq man Allele-Specific Real-Time PCR, then, using statistical methods, the results were analyzed.

Results: After confirming the accuracy of the desired technique applied on the control samples, the results of screening this method in the population of individual referring to study the factors of thrombosis, including factors of 2 and 5, presence of this change was suggested. Also, none of the V617F mutation in JAK2 was identified by screening on the samples of the control population.

Conclusion: Our findings showed that the applied technique is sufficiently capable of diagnosing the V617F mutation in JAK2 gene. Also, lack of identification of V617F mutation in JAK2 gene in the population of those referring to the Pathobiology Laboratory for thrombosis in order to investigate factors of 2 and 5 showed that V617F mutation in JAK2 gene in the studied population is not propounded as one of the thrombosis factors.

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Type of Study: Research Article | Subject: Genetics
Received: 2016/06/6 | Accepted: 2016/06/6 | Published: 2016/06/6

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