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Zahra Moradi , Saeed Zaker Bostanabad, Ramtin Hadighi ,
Volume 9, Issue 36 (9-2019)

Aim and Background:
From the perspective of biology  The genus Leishmania belongs to Tripanozomatite tribe flagellate Parasits. Leishmania is in the form of promastigotes and amastigotes. In culture, In the form of promastigotes and intra-macrophage is in the form of amastigotes. The aim of this study was to investigate the survival of L.tropica parasites in culture .
Materials and Methods:
In this study, the Possibility of growth in NNN and RPMI1640  culture  Reviewed . In the laboratory, Conditions were provided that  L.tropica  protighotites  transformed into amastigotes that live in the host cell. Growth of L.tropica  was investigated in comparison with other types of leishmaniasis, such as L. major. L.tropica was kept at 25-26 ° C in a conventional incubator. L.tropica culture culture was performed in RPMI1640 culture. Contamination of L.tropica was done on J774A-1 cells. The J774A-1 cell was maintained in RPMI1640 medium. Cells were stored at 37 ° C in a CO2-encoded incubator.
L.tropica  After infecting  was observed on the J774A-1 macrophage cell line. compared to L.major, Which takes more time to show its performance, L.tropica  is the power of survival for a long time Inside it . It was also observed that L.tropica was only stored and not proliferated in NNN medium.
 The results indicate that L.tropica  protighotites, in laboratory environment Became amastigotes Which host cells have the power of survival for a long time.

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