Showing 11 results for Zare
Abas Rahmani , Narjes Seighali, Hasan Ebrahimzadeh, Hossein Zarei Jaliani,
Volume 2, Issue 8 (10-2012)
Aim and Background. Per o xi d ases a re o n e o f t he m o st i m p o rta n t enz y mes p artici pa ting in many p h y s i o lo g i c al p r ocesses in p l a n ts. Saffron, (Cr o c us s a t i v u s L) , is a v a luable plant w hi c h ha s b e en g r o w n s i nce a n ci e n t ti m es t o d a t e. B u t t he r e is a l a ck o f s u ffi c ient b i o c he mi c al a n d ph y s i ol og i cal i nf o r m a tio n abo u t t h e s ta g es o f t h e s a f fr on g r ow t h , d e v e l o p m en t a n d t he i m portant en z y m e s in v o l v e d . Peroxi d ases in C r ocus sa t i v u s L. ca n b e a m arke r o f di s t i n c t ph y s i ol o gi c a l o r d e v e l o p m e n ta l p r o c e ss e s , a s show n b e f or e by l a bo r ato r y st u d i es.
Materials and Methods. In this study, the Crucus Sativus L. corms in two different months –July and November as dormant and waking stages of saffron growth, sampled and Corms were us e d for t h e enz y me e x trac t i on. It was partially purified with ion-exchange chromatography .
Results. T h e r e sul t s showed that a m o u n t of t o t al pro t e i n in w a k i ng c o rms i s a b o u t t w o tim e s in c o m p arison with t h e dor m ant cor m s. The high a c tiv i t y o f t h e p l a n t in wa k i ng sta t e corresponds with m o re p rotein con t e n t.
Conclusion. T h is d iff eren ce m ig h t be pa rt i a l l y d u e t o t he dif f e r e nt p a tte r n s o f th e e n z y m e gly c o s yl a t i on a nd s ur f a c e ele c t r o s t a ti c c ha r g es .
Mohammad Zarei1, Mehdi Arjmand2, Mahshid Mohammadi3, Mohsen Chiani4 , Azim Akbarzadeh Khiavi*5,
Volume 3, Issue 12 (1-2014)
Aim and Background: Paclitaxel is one of the drugs used in breast cancer. Use it as a side effect to weakening the bone marrow and peripheral neuropathy causes. Recently been shown that nanotechnology can be used to further reduce side effects, increase the efficiency of treatment. One of the nano-carriers for drug delivery, are niosomes. In this study nano paclitaxel niosomal with the ether injection methods and reverse-phase evaporation were prepared and studied. Aim of this study use of nanoparticles niosomal containing paclitaxel and cytotoxic effects on breast cancer cell lines.
Materials and Methods: In this study, in order to improve the therapeutic effects and reduce side effects paclitaxel, drug with both methods by ether injection and reversed phase evaporation, was preparate nano-niosomal pegilation. Span 20, cholesterol, polyethylene glycol l2000 Dalton, paclitaxel, solution of MTT (0.5 mg / ml) was purchased from Sigma. Ethanol and isopropanol and diethyl-ether from Merck Co. and culture RPMI 16-40 purchased from Invitrogen Co. and MCF-7cells were obtained from the Pasteur Institute Cell Bank of Iran.
Results: After a description of resulting nanoparticles indicated the manufacturing method, combined with polyethylene glycol exert a positive effect on the properties of nanoparticles. We Could encapsulation amount of paclitaxel in niosomal nanoparticles to be dramatically raise.
Conclusions: In this study were identified by using nanotechnology and niosomal nanoparticle can be appropriate formulation of the paclitaxel "drug" prepared, Be more effective than the free drug the dosage for treatment is reduced and this reduces the side effects are On the other side, is a low-cost treatment.
Seyd Pejman Shirmardi, Mostafa .erfani , Abbas . Zare2,
Volume 3, Issue 12 (1-2014)
Aim and Background: In this study, Preparation and isolation of Iranian Mesobuthus eupeus venom toxic fractions has been performed. Its venom has different toxin same the other scorpions which affect on ion channels.
Materials and Methods: For studying of these toxins, the venom was isolated during 3 stages gel chromatography, DEAE anion and CM cation exchange chromatography respectively. At each stage, the fractions were identified with UV spectroscopy and collected with fraction collector then the fractions injected to 2 normal mice and the toxic fraction with killing effect selected for next stage.
Results: The results of injected fractions showed that the fractions F3, F31, F316 and F319 were toxic.
Conclusion: To determine the location of venom concentration in different organs can help to design proper antivenom.
Mohammad Zarei, Mehdi Arjmand, Mahshid Mohammadi, Mohsen Chiani, Hasan Ebrahimi Shahmabadi, Azim Akbarzadeh Khiavi,
Volume 4, Issue 15 (9-2014)
One of the chemotherapy drugs used to treat breast cancer is a paclitaxel which may be followed by side effects such as weakening of the bone marrow. It has recently been shown that nanotechnology can be used to further reduce side effects, and increase the efficiency of treatment. The aim of this investigation is to prepare nano-niosomal pegylated paclitaxel and nano-liposomal pegylated paclitaxel nanoparticles for its cytotoxic effect on breast cancer cell line.
Materials and Methods:
Paclitaxel by ether was prepared by injection method of nano-niosomal pegylated and nano-liposomal pegylated form. For preparation of nano-niosomal pegylated paclitaxel, specific ratio of Span 60, cholesterol, and polyethylene glycol 2000 Dalton and paclitaxel were mixed. For the preparation of nano-liposomal pegylated paclitaxel specific ratio of phosphatidylcolin, cholesterol and polyethylene glycol 2000 Da and paclitaxel were mixed. Also the dialysis bag method and MTT test were used to check the release and toxicity of formulations prepared.
We were able to increase encapsulation amount of paclitaxel drug in niosomal pegylated nanoparticles with a significant amount of liposomal pegylated paclitaxel nanoparticles. Niosomal pegylated nanoparticles average diameter is smaller than the nano-liposomal pegylated paclitaxel. The encapsulation rate was significantly higher in both formulations.
This study showed that the niosomal paclitaxel formulation has a better performance than liposomal paclitaxel formulation and apart from nano-carrier, both formulations have the potential of in-vivo experiments and clinical outcome are discussed. By dialysis, drug release in nano-niosome and nano-liposome Paclitaxel formulation within 48 hours was studied. This study showed that cytotoxicity effect of nano-niosome and nano-liposome Paclitaxel is more than that of standard form.
Seyed Pezhman Shirmardi, Mostafa Erfani, Abbas Zare, Ali Sarzaeem,
Volume 5, Issue 19 (7-2015)
Aims and Background: ICD-85 with weight of 10,000 to 30,000 Daltons is a triple peptide derived from Iranian brown snake venom, scorpion venom of Agkistrodon Halys and yellow Hemiscorpius lepturus. This compound inhibits cancer cells by inducing apoptosis. In this study, the preparation and labeling of this triple peptide has been done.
Materials and Methods: At first, these triple peptides were isolated from snake and yellow scorpion venom by gel and high performance liquid chromatography. Labeling with iodine-131 was performed through chloramine-T method and radiochemical analysis involved sephadex G-25 method. The stability and biodistribution of radio peptide was checked in the presence of PBS and mice respectively.
Results: The results of biodistribution showed that the labeled compound has about 15% accumulation in breast tumor and in other organs such as liver and kidney they have the highest radio peptide concentration. Tumor to blood ratio for radio peptide is more than 293 percent.
Conclusion: The labeled ICD-85 by 131I can be an agent for diagnosis of breast cancer tumors.
Mahya Rahbar Zare, Fatemeh Noorbakhsh, Sahar Honarmand Jahromi,
Volume 8, Issue 29 (1-2018)
Aim and Background:
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the most important pathogen cause infection in hospital in world. Different virulence gene exsist in this bacteria, which interfere in pathogenesis and infection.
The aim of this study was evaluation of antibiotic susceptibility pattern and identify virulence genes plcH, lasB, plcN of P. aeruginosa isolated from clinical samples.
Material and methods:
In this study 100 Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated of human cases of burn in 1395.
Antibiotic susceptibility test was performed by disk diffusion method. Genomic DNA were extracted from isolated strains and Multiplex- PCR performed to determine the preavalence of each of the tested genes.
Result: The scope age of patients were 20-90 years, and 46 patient were male and 52 were female.The prevalence of plcN and plcH observed 98 percent and lasB 100 percent. The highest resistance to antibiotics were observed in ampicillin and cefoxitin with the frequency of 93% and 96% respectively.
Conclusion:The high prevalence of plcH, lasB, plcN gene in Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated of skin case of burn revealed that this genes are an important virulence factors in burn infections.
Hadi Mohammadi Babazeidi, Ali Hatami, Mehrshad Barari, Mohammad Javad Zare, Mehran Falaknaz,
Volume 8, Issue 29 (1-2018)
Aim and Background:
Salinity is one of the main factors limiting the production of crops. On other hand, reducing rainfall and increasing excessive heat in the past few years has led to more evapotranspiration and increased salinity effects in reducing yields. Increasing the consumption and economic value of medicinal plants, including Basil, is essential for research on the limiting factors in planting these plants in the country. Due to the contamination caused by chemical fertilizers and the high energy consumption for their production, bio-fertilizers can be a good alternative to chemical fertilizers. The present study deals with the effect of Azospirillium bacteria on physiological and morphological characteristics of Basil's medicinal plant under salinity stress
Material and methods:
This experiment was conducted in May 2011 in Greenhouse of College of Agriculture in the University of Ilam. The experiment was factorial based on randomized complete block design with 3 replications and 4 salinity levels of 2,4,6 and 0 (ds / m) and 2 levels of presence and absence of bacteria
The results of this study showed that with increasing levels of stress, most of the traits are affected. The plant was lower at lower levels, but at 4 dS / m and 6 dS / m levels, the yield was significantly reduced. Increasing levels of stress reduced the height of root dry weight, root length and biomass weight, and also it reduced the number of leaves, sub branch and chlorophyll a, b and ab. Also, salt stress increased levels of nitrogen, protein and proline by increasing salinity levels.
Mahnaz Moradi , Hamid Zare-Zade Mehrizi , Ali Naderinezhad, Bibi Fateme Haghirosadat, Mohammad Kazem Hazrati Gohari, Fateme , Fatemeh Hakimian , Azim Akbarzade ,
Volume 8, Issue 29 (1-2018)
Aim and Background:
Immobilized proteins and enzymes are commonly used in the medical field for diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. Due to the increasing use of immobilized enzymes and proteins in the diagnosis of disease, in this study, Cytochrome c protein was used as a useful metalloprotein in the basis studies of biosensors and Bioelectrochemistry.
Material and methods: Cytochrome c protein immobilized covalently on the surface of gold and graphite pencil electrods. Surface of gold and graphite electrodes modified by gold nanoparticle and self-assemble monolayer of 3- mercaptopropionic acid. EDC and NHS as coupling agents cause to covalent attachment of protein on the surface.
Results: Cyclic voltammetry results showed successful immobilization of Cytochrome c on the both surface. Immobilized protein on the surface of gold electrod was more stable than garaphite electrode.
Conclusion: In view of the Cytochrome c as a sample biological species, both surfaces can be suitable for immobilization of various biological species, and selection any of them depend on their application in various fields.
Sepideh Saroughi, Maryam Zare, Rouhollah Kazemi, Mohammad-Javad Motamedi, Jafar Amani,
Volume 11, Issue 42 (3-2021)
Aim and Background: Diarrhea is the second most common cause of under-5 mortality. The most important strains of Entrotoxigenic Escherichia coli causing Lt and St toxin cause diarrhea and Entrohemoragic E.coli causing Shiga-like toxin secretion. Chlorine enterotoxin B subunit (Ctx) plays a key role in the development of diarrhea in Vibrio cholerae. More specific antibodies could be developed to counter these toxins by combining the CtxB, LtB and StB (LSC) epitopes and the production of trivalent vaccine. The aim of this study was to cloning lsc gene into pcDNA3.1 to design a vaccine DNA.
Materials and Methods: The lsc gene sequence was transferred to pcDNA3.1(+) vector after primer design and amplification by PCR. The pcDNA3.1(+) vector and the PCR product were digested using HindIII and EcoRI enzymes. Cloning of lsc gene was performed in pcDNA3.1(+) vector and PCR. The clones were digested enzymatically. To ensure expression of lsc gene, it was transferred to HEK-293T cell and confirmed by Western blotting.
Results: The lsc gene was confirmed by PCR and cloning in pcDNA3.1(+) vector using enzymatic digestion and a fragment length of 933 bp was detected and confirmed. Transfection kit was then transferred to HEK-293T cell and expression of the recombinant protein was confirmed by Western blotting and the protein was 39 kDa.
Conclusion: The results of the chimeric gene are well expressed in the cell line and confirmed by Western blotting that can be a good candidate for the fight against bacterial infection.
Milad Akhlaghi, Marziyeh Ebrahimpour, Kazem Ansari, Fatemeh Parnian, Maryam Zarezadeh Mehrizi, Mohammad Taebpour, Bibi Fatemeh Haghirosadat,
Volume 11, Issue 42 (3-2021)
Aim and Background: The use of medical herbs and their extracts because of their low side effects is increasing all over the world. Glycrrizha glabra is one of these plants with proven therapeutic effects, but conventional prescribing of them faces challenges. Using of drug delivery nanocarriers such as Niosome is one of the new strategies to overcome these challenges. The aim of this study was to synthesis and charactrization of nano niosomal system containing Glycrrizha glabra extract in order to improve its therapeutic effects.
Material and methods: Nanoniosome were synthesized using Tween-60 (70%) and cholesterol (30%) by thin film method and by using inactive method, Glycrrizha glabra extract was loaded into them. Their physico-chemical features were assayed by Zeta sizer, AFM and FTIR and at last the release rate of extract and toxicity of Nanoniosome on normal cells were assayed.
Results: Data showed that the synthesized nanoniosomes are anionic with -21.2± 1.64 mV zeta potential, size of 90.7± 3.6 nm, dispersion index of 0.53 and 55.36% encapsulation efficiency. The nanoniosmal system presented slow and controlled release of the extract. AFM and FTIR analysis demonstrated that nanoparticles have appropriate morphology and the system does not interact with the extract. The results of MTT assay also approved that the system has not toxicity effects on normal cells.
Conclusion: The results indicated that synthesized nanosiosome vesicles because of their appropriate features, could be good carrier for delivering of Glycrrizha glabra extract and thus improve its therapeutic effects.
Milad Akhlaghi, Lida Eftekharivash, Fatemeh Parnian, Mohammad Taebpour, Tohid Rostamian, Maryam Zarezadeh Mehrizi, Kazem Ansari, Bibi Fatemeh Haghirosadat,
Volume 12, Issue 45 (11-2021)
Aim and background: The use of medical herbs because of their reasonable price and availability is rapidly increasing but it faces many challenges. Researchers are trying to overcome these challenges by designing nano-drug delivery carriers such as liposome. In this study, a formulation of liposomal system containing Hedera Helix extract was synthesized and its toxicity on normal cells and physicochemical characteristics were evaluated.
Material and Method: In the first step, extraction of Hedera Helix was done by succulent method. In the next step, nano-liposomes were prepared by thin film method from phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol and by using hydration inactive method the extract was loaded into them. Then the encapsulation rate and the release pattern were assayed by spectrophotometry method, the size of nanoparticles and their zeta potential were evaluated by the DLS, the non-interaction between the extract and the nanosystem was assessed by FT-IR technique and the morphology of the nanoparticles was examined by AFM microscope and finally the non-toxicity of the system on normal cells was assayed by MTT method.
Results: The results of this study showed that nano-liposomes containing Hedera Helix extract having 48.6 nm of diameter, 0.406 dispersion index, -37.3 ± 1.72 mV zeta potential and 82.67 ± 1.12 encapsulation efficiency are follow the slow releasing drug pattern. FTIR and AFM data demonstrated that there is no interaction between the extract and nanoliposomes and nanoliposomes have appropriate morphology. Finally, the results of the MTT assay confirmed the non-toxicity activity of nano-liposome.
Conclusion: In this study, physicochemical studies of nanosystems after loading Hedera Helix extract into liposomal nanosystems showed that the system is a slow-release and anionic type with acceptable size, morphology and acceptable encapsulation rate. The synthesized liposomes could be a suitable carrier for the Hedera Helix extract and increase its stability, solubility and thus improve its therapeutic performance.