Aim and Background: cervical cancer, one of the most common female cancers, is the central cause of death in developing countries. Early detection of cervical cancer by use of Papanicolaou (Pap) smears prevents the abnormal changes of cervical cells and also, declines in death rates among different populations.
Materials and Methods: in the present study, responses from 100 women among attending in Parand and Robat-Karim health care centers were assessed about their knowledge and attitudes towards Pap smear screening by evaluation of demographic profiles and statistical analyses.
Results: mean age of participants was 31.56. Aging and educational attainment were found to be significantly related to overall knowledge and attitude about Pap smear screening usage.
Conclusion: statistical analysis revealed that knowledge and awareness about cervical cancer and Pap smear screening among participants were 50.9 and 38.8 respectively. We conclude that awareness of Pap smears in Parand and Robat-Karim women was relatively low.
Type of Study:
Research Article |
Cellular and molecular Received: 2014/04/23 | Accepted: 2014/04/23 | Published: 2014/04/23