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:: شیوع،علائم،PMS،PMDD. Prevalence of premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphonic disorder among thestudents of Islamic Azad University of Parand [Volume 3, Number 9]
:: (Aloe vera), Genetic diversiy, Morphological traits, Cluster analysis Evaluation of Genetic Diversity of (Aloe vera Linne) populations using Morphological Traits [Volume 3, Number 10]
:: . Iau Science Evaluating the antibiotic resistant pattern and detecting the presence of class 1 integron genes among Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from urine samples in Alborz province [Volume 12, Number 45]
:: . Iau Science Effect of salinity stress levels on some Growth parameters, Mineral ion concentration, Osmolytes, Non-enzymatic antioxidants and phenylalanine ammonialyase activity in three genotypes of (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) [Volume 12, Number 45]
:: . Iau Science A Review of Strategies Based on the Effectiveness of Nanoparticles in the Detection, Prevention and Treatment of Covid 19 [Volume 12, Number 45]
:: .Iau Science The effect of a recombinant immunotoxin containing ricin toxin on the expression of apoptotic genes BAX and BCL-2 in colorectal and breast cancer cell lines [Volume 13, Number 50]
:: 16S rRNA gen New method for DNA extraction of the genus Nocardia [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: 16S rRNA gene. Design and manufacture of efflux pump inhibitors Nano- particles in imipenem -resistant Acinetobacter baumannii clinical isolate [Volume 8, Number 32]
:: 16S rRNA gene. Identification of Mycoplasma gallisepticum in rural domestic poultry of Urmia city in the year 1395 [Volume 8, Number 32]
:: 3D culture Characterization and comparison of MDA-MB468 cancer stem cell properties in 2D and 3D culture [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: 99mTc The biological properties evaluation of the radiolabeled complex: 99mTc -DTPA- Herceptin in cancerous cell lines [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: ARMS-PCR. Comparison of A13871G polymorphism in the cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) gene in Iranian healthy people from West Mazandaran in terms of age and sex [Volume 14, Number 56]
:: Activation, Antibody, Blocking, Immobilization, Nitrocellulose, Nylon Using Novel Immobilization Engineering Technique to Increase the Efficiency of Antibody Immobilization on the Surface of Nylon and Nitrocellulose Supports, Utilized in Diagnostic Systems [Volume 2, Number 6]
:: Adenosine deaminase, isoenzyme, interferon γ, tuberculous pleural effusion Biochemical Markers Method for Diagnostic of Tuberculosis in the Pleural Samples from Iranian Patient [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Ageing, Biotechnology, Apoptosis, Senescence, Gerantology, RNAi, Cell Therapy Cell Ageing and Biotechnology [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Air pollution, Particulate matter, Bioaerosol, Bacteria, Ahvaz Study of environmental parameters effect on particulate matters and bacterial concentration in Ahvaz city during different seasons. [Volume 3, Number 11]
:: Alzheimer, Clinical Dementia Rating, Mild Cognitive Impairment, Physical Activity. [Volume 3, Number 11]
:: Anaplastic Thyroid cancer, Silibinin, MTT assay Effect of Silibinin on the Metabolic Activity of the 8305c Cell Line in Thyroid Cancer [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Anatomical characters, Chenopodiaceae, Chenopodium, Atriplex, Southern Khorasan Province. The Anatomical Study of Leaf and Stem in Some Species of Atriplex L. and Chenopodium L. in Southern Khorasan Province [Volume 2, Number 7]
:: Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) The Association Study between D/I Polymorphism of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) Gene with Obesity in the Population of Ardabil Province [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: Anthurium, Growth regulator, Callus induction, regeneration, rooting Study of Micropropagation of Anthurium Andreanum Using Tissue Culture [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Antibacterial Isolation and identification of biosurfactant-producing strains from the genus Acinetobacter spp and antibacterial effects of biosurfactant produced on some of the negative and gram-positive bacteria in vitro [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: Antibacterial properties. Composition analysis of essential oil and biological activity of oily compounds of Mentha longifolia [Volume 6, Number 21]
:: Antibiotic Resistance dentifying antibiotic resistance genes in clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae producing IMP-1 and TEM β-lactamase [Volume 9, Number 35]
:: Antibiotic resistance, Escherichia coli, Multi-drug resistance, plasmid Determination of Plasmid Profile and Antibiotic Resistance Pattern in clinical Escherichia coli Strains, isolated from different region of Karaj city [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Antioxidant The Antioxidant and cytotoxic Effects of nettle-leaves (Urtica dioica L.) Ethanolic extract on the A549 cell line [Volume 7, Number 26]
:: Antioxidant Exopolysaccharide Production by Bacillus Pasteuri and the Study of its Antibacterial and Antioxidant Properties [Volume 8, Number 31]
:: Artificial neural network Evaluation of nanoarchaeosomal paclitaxel effect on MCF-7 cell line and prediction of Released Paclitaxel of Nanoarchaeosomal Formulation by Artificial Neural Network [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: Astrocyts, CNS, Inflammation, Neural development, Neurotransmitters. Astrocyte Neurobiology [Volume 2, Number 7]
:: B65 cell line Examining the effect of dendrosomal nanoparticles on bioavailability and cellular uptake of beta- Boswellic acid in B65 cells by MTT assay [Volume 7, Number 25]
:: BCMV, BCMNV, DAS-ELISA, Tissue-blot, IC-RT-PCR Identification and diagnosis of isolates of bean common mosaic viruses and bean common mosaic necrosis viruses by immunocapture RT-PCR [Volume 3, Number 11]
:: Bacillus Enzyme production of Bacillus in submerged culture [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: Bacillus Isolation, identification and considering the antagonistic properties of bacteria from hot water acidic spring in Boushehr province [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens BEH 111, α-Amylase, Thin Layer Chromatography, Dintrosalicyclic Acid Investigation of the Amylolytic Enzyme Profile of the Bacterium Bacillus amyloliquefaciens BEH 111, and Determination of its α-Amylase Enzyme Characteristics [Volume 2, Number 7]
:: Bacillus pumilus ; Antibiotic Resistance The Effect of Environmental Factors on Antagonistic Activity of Isolated Strain of Bacillus pumilus [Volume 2, Number 8]
:: Bacillus. Cloning the mutated immune antigen of Bacillus Anthracis in Bacillus subtilis [Volume 6, Number 21]
:: Bacterial growth Preparing extract from baker's yeast and investigating the ability of bacteria to grow on it [Volume 15, Number 57]
:: Biodegradable polymer, Bacillus thuringiensis, Polyhydroxylalkanoate. Innate Immunity activated via siRNA Isolation and characterization of a PHA-producing bacterial strain: biopolymer production under different growth conditions [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Biodegradation Studying the biodegradation of paraffin wax by Iranian thermophilic indigenous crude oil bacterium [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: Biodegradation The removal of dye colours from textile wastewater factories using mixed thermophilic bacterial consortium [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: Biodiesel. Esterification of methanol and oleic acid using loofa-immobilized Rhizopus oryzae [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: Bioinformatics Analysis.IAU-science Study of the frequencies of rs137852579 in Androgen receptor coding gene in patients suffering from prostate cancer and theoretical study of the association of this polymorphism with drug resistance to treatment with enzalutamide [Volume 10, Number 37]
:: Biological activity The roles of HMGB1 nuclear protein and its major domains in different biological fields [Volume 8, Number 29]
:: Biomedical New drug delivery systems based on polymeric silk fibroin [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: Biopsy. Rapid detection of Helicobacter pylori by using PCR molecular method compared with Rapid Urease Test [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: Bioreactor. Evaluation of Biodenitrification Performance Using Nanophotocatalyst based Zinc and Titanium oxide in Bioreactor [Volume 14, Number 56]
:: Bioremediation Isolation and identification of bacteria with bioremediation of celenite salts ability from environmental source [Volume 4, Number 13]
:: Biosorption, Cu and Mn ions, Bacillus Thuringiensis, Regression analysis. Estimating the Impact of Important Parameters on Biosorption of Cu and Mn Ions by Bacillus Thuringiensis [Volume 2, Number 8]
:: Biosynthesis, Titanium nanoparticles, Lactobacillus, Metal Reduction, TiO2 Titanium Nanoparticles Biosynthesis by Lactobacillus Isolated from Iran’s Traditional Dairy Products [Volume 2, Number 6]
:: Body mass index Insights into the FTO Gene Impact on Obesity [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: Brain Cancer, Environmental Factors The effect of Environmental Factors in the incidence of Brain Cancer [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Breast Cancer Study of the efficacy pegylated Cisplatin loaded nano archaeosome on breast cancer in vitro [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: Breast Cancer, Environmental Factors Breast Cancer and the Effect of Environmental Factors Involved [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Breast cancer In vitro evaluation of 4H-chromene 3-carbonitrile derivatives’ biological effects on T47D human breast cancer cell line [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: Breast cancer Preparation and in vitro evaluation of nano-niosomal pegylated paclitaxel and nano-liposomal pegylated pclitaxel [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: Breast cancer, Nano drug delivery, Hydroxyurea, Liposomal Evaluating the effect of nanoliposomal hydroxyurea urea on the breast cancer cell line [Volume 3, Number 11]
:: Breast cancer, Nano drug delivery, Paclitaxel, Liposomal Making paclitaxel nanoliposomal and evaluating its effect on the MCF-7 [Volume 3, Number 10]
:: Brevinin-2R, AGS,cytotoxicity of peptide, viability In vitro evaluation of anticancer activity of brevinin-2R against AGS cell line [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Bromadiolone, Teratogenic Effects, rat Fetus The Teratogenic Effects of Bromadiolone on Rat Fetus [Volume 2, Number 5]
:: Brucella spp, Milk, Cheese, Hemi Nested PCR Detection of Brucella spp. in Raw Milk and Cheeses Samples Using Hemi Nested PCR [Volume 2, Number 7]
:: Brucella spp., dairy products, Nested PCR Study and detection of molecular Brucella spp. in dairy products with Nested PCR technique [Volume 3, Number 11]
:: Burn wound. A survey of high-level resistance to gentamicin and aminoglycoside-modifying enzyme-encoding genes in Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium isolated from infected burn wounds [Volume 9, Number 33]
:: C r ocus sa t i v u s L, P e r o xid as e, Dor m a ncy , Waking Partial Purification of Peroxidase in Corms of Saffron (Crucus Sativus L.) during Dormancy and Waking [Volume 2, Number 8]
:: C6 Evaluation the effect of nanoniosomal cisplatin on brain cancer cell line C6 [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: C6 cell line The comparison of reverse phase evaporation and ether injection synthesis methods on cisplatin-loaded niosomal nanoparticles properties [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: CASP3. In-vitro evaluation of anti-cancer effects of melittin on non-small cell lung cancer [Volume 14, Number 56]
:: CD95L Expression of CD95 Ligand (CD95L) gene in Iranian Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients comparing to control group [Volume 7, Number 25]
:: CELI endonuclease enzymes, western blotting, plasmid pET32a, recombinant proteins, affinity chromatography Cloning, Expression and Purification CEL I Endonuclease Enzyme from Celery Plants [Volume 2, Number 8]
:: CNQX, food and water intake, chicken The effect of intracerebroventricular injection of CNQX in cumulative food and water intake in chicken [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: CYP2D6 Gene, Polymorphism, Prostate Cancer Genetic Polymorphisms of CYP2D6 and Prostate Cancer Risk [Volume 2, Number 8]
:: Cancer Cytotoxicity of methanol extracts of Ziziphora tenuior.L on Hela cell line by MTT assay [Volume 10, Number 38]
:: Cardiomyocytes, Embryoid Bodies, Gene Expression, Human Embryonic Stem Expression of Cardiomyocytes Alpha-Cardiac Actin and FLK1 (Vegfr-2/KDR) Genes in Human Embryonic Stem Cells [Volume 2, Number 7]
:: Caspian Sea coast Isolation and identification of extracellular phytase-producing fungal in coastal waters of the Caspian Sea by ITS-PCR [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: Caspofungine Sensitivity determination of Aspergilus Flavus to Itraconazol, Voriconazol and Caspofungin [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: Cell Culture, Mycoplasma Contamination, Human-Animal Cell Lines Comparison of different methods (microbial culture, enzymatic and molecular) for the detection of mycoplasma contamination in human and animal cell lines, preserved in a National Cell Bank of Pasteur Institute of Iran [Volume 3, Number 9]
:: Characterization Charactrization and isolation of Nocardia from clinical sample Patient suspected to active tuberculosis [Volume 4, Number 13]
:: Child day-care Centers Investigation of microbial quantity of indoor and outdoor air of selected daycare centers in different districts and seasons of Ahvaz [Volume 8, Number 29]
:: Chitosan/laminin Evaluation of chitosan/laminin scaffolds biocompatibility [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: Chromium.IAU-science Biochemical study of type 2 diabetes mellitus with changes in serum levels of, zinc , copper, magnesium and chromium (Zn,CU,Mg,Cr) in human population of Isfahan province [Volume 10, Number 37]
:: Chromosome, Cornus mas, Cytogenetic Cytogenetical Survey of Cornus Mas Populations in Iran [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), cytochrome oxidase (COX), ARMS Real time PCR Screening of new polymorphisms of subunit 1 of cytochrome oxidase gene in COPD patients [Volume 3, Number 11]
:: Cirsium, chromosome number, Khorasan province Study of the chromosome number in some species of the genus Cirsium (Compositae) in Khorasan province [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Cisplatin, Nanoarchaeosome, Loading, MTT Test, MCF-7 Cell Line Effect of Cisplatin Encapsulated in Nanoarchaeosome on Growth and Extension of Breast Cancer Cells in MCF-7 Cell Line [Volume 2, Number 8]
:: Cluster analysis, Karyotype, Onobrychis. Cytogenetical survey of some Iranian Onobrychis species [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Colibactin Molecular Study of clbS and clbA genes in the E.coli bacteria isolated from tissue of patients with colorectal cancer [Volume 9, Number 33]
:: Crataegus extract, Passive avoidance learning, Rat, Flavonoid Examination of the crataegus extracts effect on passive avoidance learning of male wistar rat [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Crocus sativus L. , pH measurement, H 2 O 2 conc e n tration. A study on Peroxidase Activity Alterations in Corms of Saffron (Crucus Sativus L.) exposed to different H2O2 concentrations and pH measurement during Dormancy and Waking [Volume 3, Number 10]
:: Crustacean. Phylogeny of Charybdis hellerii (Decapoda, Crabs) in intertidal coasts of Chabahar based on cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (CO1) gene sequence [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: Cucumber Comparative study of different protocols for isolation of RNA from apple leaves (Malus domestica) [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: Cucumber Effect of seed priming on Moderating of salinity stress in cucumber [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: Culture and PCR Study and Comparison of Diagnostic Methods (Culture–Molecular) for Brucella in the Samples Isolated from Patients Suspected to Brucellosis in Different Regions of Tehran [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: Cutaneous wound, Probiotic, Healing, Lactobacillus palantarum, Exopolysaccharid Study the Probiotic Effects of Lactobacillus Plantarum on Cutaneous Wound Healing in Rat [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Cyclic Voltammetry Study of Immobilization of Cytochrome c on the Modified Gold and GraphiteElectrode by Electrochemical Method [Volume 8, Number 29]
:: Cytogenetic Karyotype study of three populations of the species, Silybum marianum [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: Cytotoxicity Assess the in vitro efficacy of nanoparticles as carriers' magnetic liposomal paclitaxel on ovarian cancer [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: Cytotoxicity In vitro evaluation of effect of sodium chloride on stability of cytotoxicity property cisplatinum in dimethyl sulfoxide solvent on G-292 cell line [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: DU145 Investigating the survivine gene expression in DU145 prostate cancer cell line treated by Kombucha extract [Volume 8, Number 32]
:: Deinococcus radiodurans Cloning and expression of Deinococcus radiodurans drRRA gene in E. coli Origami strain [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: Delivery Nano-particle delivery of siRNA to the lung cancer [Volume 6, Number 21]
:: Development, Function, B-1 cells Development and function of B-1 cells [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Drug Resistance Frequency and resistance patterns in clinical isolates of Escherichia coli Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase producing treatment Centers in Marand city, Iran [Volume 7, Number 26]
:: E-coli (DH5α). Cloning hepatitis C virus E2 gene full-length from genotype 2a (JFH1) to pET28a (+) vector and transformation of an Escherichia coli DH5α strain [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: E.coli Expression strains Expression assessment of recombinant human granulocyte colony stimulating factor (hG-CSF) in E. coli (Origami / BL21) [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: ELASA. Design and Production of Aptamer Against CholeraToxin Using SELEX Technique [Volume 15, Number 57]
:: ELISA Creating a human ScFv antibody library based on T-Vector against tetanus toxin [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: ELISA Connection, evaluation and detoxification of aflatoxin M1 in milk by Lactobacillus casei strain TD2, native probiotics in various physicochemical conditions [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: ESBL Detection of TEM beta-lactamase Gene in Escherichia Coli Isolated from Urinary Tract Infection of referred to the clinic boarding Robat Karim to the molecular method [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: Ecology, Chenopodiaceae, Salsola, Golestan Province Ecological Study of Some Species of the Genus Salsola (Chenopodiaceae) in Golestan Province [Volume 2, Number 6]
:: Elastase, Thermal Stability, Kinetic Stability, pH. Biochemical Characterization of Elastase from Pseodomonas aeruginosa Strain PTCC1430 [Volume 2, Number 8]
:: Electron beam Synthesis of silver nanoparticles in PVP hydrogel matrix by electron beam irradiation [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: Electron microscopy, Onobrychis, pollen morphology Pollen Grain Morphology in some of Onobrychis Species [Volume 2, Number 5]
:: Emulsion Polymerization Investigation of effective factors in preparation of polybutyl cyanoacrylate nanoparticles by emulsion polymerization [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: Endometriosis, Human Papillomavirus, Polymerase Chain Reaction Investigation of Correlation Between Human Papillomavirus and Endometriosis Lesion [Volume 2, Number 6]
:: Escherichia coli Survey the prevalence of TEM genes and antimicrobial resistance among the Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumonia in patients with nosocomial infections in Shahid beheshti university hospitals in 2011 [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: Escherichia coli Detection of AmpC beta-lactamase genes in clinical isolates of Escherichia coli in Kermanshah city [Volume 7, Number 25]
:: Escherichia coli O157H7 Evaluation and comparison of the effect of ORS and pH stress on the biofilm formation and planktonic condition of E.coli O157: H7 [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: Essence Study of Peppermint mutant plant traits using mutagen EMS mutagenesis [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: Essential oil Effect of irrigation and Zinc nutrition on growth and yield of essential oil (Menta piperita L.) [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: Essential oil Effect of irrigation and Zinc nutrition on growth and yield of essential oil (Salvia officinalis L.) [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: Exopolysaccharides, Lactic acid bacteria, Bacillus, Growth kinetics Isolation of Exopolysaccharides (the cell-bound EPS and the released EPS) Produced by Bacillus spp. Isolated from Arak Agricultures [Volume 2, Number 7]
:: Expression host. Iau Science . Optimization of light chain production of human enterokinase enzyme for use in the pharmaceutical industry [Volume 12, Number 45]
:: Expression systems A review of methods for the production of therapeutic recombinant proteins in Pichia Pastoris [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: Expression vector pRUF Isolation and Cloning of MAGEA4 human gene into pRUF expression plasmid [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: Filament Bacterial Flagella Morphology, Assembly and Torque-Generating [Volume 3, Number 9]
:: Fumaria parviflora, alcoholic extract , Spermatogenesis, fertility Study of the Effect of Fumaria parviflora Alcoholic Extract on Spermatogenesis in Male Rats [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: GC mass Antimicrobial effect of Mentha Longifulia on different bacteria causing diarrhea and its phytochemical evaluation [Volume 8, Number 32]
:: Galanin, Cortisol(Cor), Epinephrine(EN), Stress Effect of stress on galanin secretion in rats fed different levels of their energy requirement [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: GenBank database Detection and Comparison of Sequences of VP28 Gene of White Spot Syndrome Virus Affecting Litopenaeus vannamei in Chabahar (Iran) [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: Gene Expression, Cadmium, Cyclin B1, CDK-A, RT-PCR Investigation of Cell Cycle Gene Expression (Cyclin B1 and CDK-A ) Change Induced by Cadmium in Root Tips of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Seedlings [Volume 2, Number 8]
:: Gene Expression. Comparison and comparison of CD133 gene expression in healthy individuals and people with leukemia [Volume 9, Number 36]
:: Gene Silencing- microRNA- RNA interference (RNAi) Biotechnology and Gene Silencing [Volume 2, Number 5]
:: Gene expression Cloning and Expression of Influenza H1N1 virus M2 protein in BL21 (DE3) E.coli [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: Genetic Diversity Study on Genetic Diversity of Cultured Cyprinuscarpio in Khuzestan by Using Microsatellite [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: Genetic diversity Identification and Genotypic Characterization of Non-Starter Lactic Acid Bacteria in Mature Taleshi Cheese [Volume 7, Number 26]
:: Genotoxicity, micronuclei, Xenopus laevis Evaluation of Genotoxicity by Measurement of Micronuclei Induction Using Amphibian Larvae Xenopus laevis [Volume 2, Number 7]
:: Germ Cell Assessment of Stemness in mesenchymal cells of human umbilical cord warton’s-jelly during differentiation to germ-like cells [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: Germination percentage Effect of seed priming on germination and seedling growth of Barli 21 tobacco varieties under PEG and salinity stress conditions [Volume 6, Number 21]
:: Germination. Apiaceae Breaking of seed dormancy of Ducrosia anethifolia Boiss under different treatments [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: Glioblastoma, miRNA, EGFRvIII, microvesicle Glioblastoma microvesicles transport RNA and proteins that promote tumour growth and provide diagnostic biomarkers [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Golab apple, Shafiabadi apple, Biochemical changes, harvesting, storing Biochemical Changes of two Cultivars of Golab and Shafiabadi Apple at Harvesting Time and After Storing [Volume 2, Number 5]
:: HSV Molecular diagnosis of Fusarium solani in corneal samples from suspected herpetic keratitis cases [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: Halo-thermo tolerant B. licheniformis SL-1 Expression Optimization and Purification of Glutamate Endopeptidase from halo-thermo tolerant Bacillus licheniformis SL-1 [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: Hamedan The Prevalence of iroN gene in Escherichia coli strains isolated from UTI patients in Hamedan city [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: Heliotropium chorassanicum, morphology, morphogenesis Study of morphogenesis of Heliotropium chorassanicum Bung (Heliotropiaceae) [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Hepatitis B virus, Internal Amplification Control, PCR, Design, Construction Internal Control (IC) Construction of Molecular Diagnosis of Hepatitis B Virus by PCR-Cloning [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Hepatitis B, viral DNA polymerase gene, YMDD mutation, LCR method Detection of Drug Resistance Mutation in the YMDD Region of Polymerase Gene of HBV in Hepatitis B Patients by Ligase Chain Reaction (LCR) [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Histamine; Diazepam; Anxiety; Plus-maze test; Intraperitoneal; Rat. The Effect of Benzodiazepine on Anxiety and Interaction between Benzodiazepine and Histamine in Elevated plus-maze Model of the Rats [Volume 3, Number 11]
:: Histamine; Ranitidine; Anxiety; Plus-maze test; Intraperitoneal; Rat. The Effect of Intraperitoneal Histamine Administration on the Anxiety in Rats [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Hormozgan Province. Effects of algal bloom on the diversity and abundance of macrobenthos in the coastal zones of Hormozgan Province [Volume 6, Number 21]
:: Hub genes Reconstruction of Gene Networks Involved in Response to Drought Stress in Barley [Volume 8, Number 29]
:: Human Proinsulin and Diabetes The Optimization of One and Two-Step Adventitious Organogenesis for Agrobacterium- Mediated Transformation in (Solanum tuberosum L.) [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: Human Wharton’s Jelly, Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Blood Cells, Mouse Lung Cytokines Differentiation of Human Umbilicus Cord Wharton’s Jelly Stem Cells to Hematopoietic Cells [Volume 2, Number 8]
:: Human embryonic stem Expression of CD-34, OCT-4 and Brachyury genes of cardiomyocytes derived from human embryonic stem cells [Volume 7, Number 25]
:: Human serum Albumin, BL21 ) DE3 ( , pET22b Expression of recombinant human serum albumin in E.coli (BL21) [Volume 3, Number 9]
:: Hydroxyurea Cytotoxic activity of pegylated nanoliposomal hydroxyurea in MCF-7 cell line [Volume 4, Number 13]
:: Hypercoagulable State, Hypocalcaemia, Cardiovascular Complications, Diabetes Mellitus Hypocalcaemia Effects on Levels of Coagulation Factors in Type 2 Diabetics [Volume 2, Number 8]
:: IAU science Isolation and identification of Nocardia species from bronchial lavage and sputum specimens of patients suspected of Nocardiasis using molecular method based on PCR sequence in Khuzestan province [Volume 11, Number 42]
:: IAU science Heterologous Expression, Purification and Determination of Activity of new Carboxypepetidase from Cohnella Ao1 [Volume 11, Number 42]
:: IAU science Optimization of pH and glucose concentration of culture media for enhancement of hyaluronic acid production by Streptococcus equisimilis group C and G [Volume 10, Number 39]
:: IAU science The Effects of Titanium dioxide Nanoparticles Coatings in the extent of their Effectiveness: DNA Interaction [Volume 10, Number 39]
:: IAU science PCR and cloning of the lcs chimeric gene in pcDNA3.1 vector and its expression in the cell line [Volume 11, Number 42]
:: IAU science Association of rs737008 in PRM1 and rs4780356 in PRM2 Polymorphisms with Idiopathic Infertility in Iranian men [Volume 10, Number 40]
:: IAU science. Dietary supplement based on microalgae, as a new therapeutic approach in the future [Volume 11, Number 42]
:: IAU science. The phylogeny of Escherichia coli isolates involved in Colibacillosis and cellucitis in broiler chickens in shahrebabak by Multiplex PCR Technique [Volume 10, Number 39]
:: IAU science. Evaluation of Antimicrobial Compounds Produced By Exiguobacterium Acetylicum and Analysis of its Supernatant By GC/MS Method [Volume 11, Number 41]
:: IAU science. Clinical Manifestations and Diagnostic Methods of Covid-19 [Volume 10, Number 40]
:: IAU science. Inhibitory effects of ozonated grape seed oil on Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa [Volume 10, Number 40]
:: IAU science. study of comparative effects of harmine and ghrelin agonist on insulin and c-peptide secretion [Volume 10, Number 40]
:: IAU science. Investigation of Anti–diabetic and Liver protective Effects of Kombucha syrup on Streptozotocin induced male wistar mice [Volume 10, Number 40]
:: IAU science. Evaluation of GPR83 Gene Expression in AGS Cells Transfected with Pflag-CMV-3-TagD Recombinant Vector [Volume 10, Number 39]
:: IAU science. Improving the activity and stability of OPH enzyme using DNA Shuffling method [Volume 10, Number 39]
:: IAU science. Evaluation of the effectiveness of various drugs in the treatment of COVID-19 [Volume 11, Number 42]
:: IAU science. Effect of Silymarin on Blood Glucose and Hnf1a Gene Expression in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Male Wistar Rats [Volume 10, Number 40]
:: IAU science. Molecular identification of lactobacilli isolated from traditional cheeses of Bandar Abbas city [Volume 10, Number 39]
:: IAU science. Increasing the stability of keratin protein solubility in aqueous solutions using the chemical structure modification by alkylation and sulfitolysis methods [Volume 11, Number 41]
:: IAU science. Design and production of a genetically simulant construct for the detection of B. malei and pseudomaleii [Volume 10, Number 40]
:: IAU science. Investigation of Molecular Mechanisms in Inhibiting the Function of Spike, Main Protease and Papain Like Protease in Coronavirus Using Simulation and Docking [Volume 11, Number 41]
:: IAU science. A review of the epidemiology and clinical signs of SARS-COV-2 [Volume 11, Number 41]
:: IAU science. therapies approach based on metabolism of cancer stem cells [Volume 11, Number 41]
:: IAU science. Synthesis, study and characterization of nano niosomal system containing Glycrrizha glabra extract in order to improve its therapeutic effects [Volume 11, Number 42]
:: IAU science. The effect of silver nanoparticles on mecA gene expression in methicillin-resistant samples of Staphylococcus aureus [Volume 11, Number 41]
:: IAU science. Investigating the effect of solvent and extraction method on the amount of phenolic compounds and the antioxidant activity of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) oil seed [Volume 10, Number 39]
:: IAU science. Probable origin of Covid-19 virus [Volume 11, Number 41]
:: IAU science. An review of Covid- 19 and the consequences of its emergence [Volume 11, Number 42]
:: IAU science. The assessment of ready-prepared food contamination of staphilococcus aureus and parasite eggs in Islamshahr [Volume 11, Number 42]
:: IAU science. Green synthesis of silica nanoparticles from the horsetail (Equisetum telmateia Ehrh.) plant [Volume 10, Number 39]
:: IAU- science Evaluation of cytotoxicity effect of Synthetic Pyridopyrimidine derivatives on the cancer vs. normal cell lines [Volume 10, Number 37]
:: IAU-science The relationship between HbA1c and microalbuminuria in type II diabetic patients in Isfahan province [Volume 10, Number 37]
:: IAU-science Evaluation and Comparison of Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activity Extract of Several populationof Narcissus sp. From Behbahan city [Volume 10, Number 37]
:: IAU-science Investigation of microbial and physicochemical contaminations of drinking water in Urmia Rural Wells [Volume 10, Number 37]
:: IAU-science The association of rs10573247 polymorphism in 3ˈ-UTR of HMGA2 gene with risk of gastric cancer [Volume 10, Number 37]
:: IAU-science. Virulence factors pattern of Escherichia coli strain isolated from endometritis in mares in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province [Volume 10, Number 37]
:: IAu- science The therapeutic effect of adding probiotics to standard asthma treatment in children with mild to moderate asthma [Volume 11, Number 41]
:: IC50 pegilated nanoliposome [Volume 6, Number 21]
:: IPTG Investigating the induction effect of lactose and IPTG on Interferon β-1b gene expression in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: ISE The comparison of enzyme assay methods in the degradation of organophosphorus compounds using Spectroscopy, FPLC and ISC techniques [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: ITS Molecular Sequence Analysis of the ITS rRNA Region for Identification of Fusarium species [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: Iau Science phytochemical evaluation, antimicrobial and inhibitory effects of Ginger extract on amyloid Nano–fibril production in order to evaluate its application potential against inflammatory and Alzheimer's disease [Volume 13, Number 49]
:: Iau Science System biology analysis of Rheumatoid Arthritis and evaluation of the IL-6 and IL-6R genes expression in treated patients [Volume 13, Number 52]
:: Iau Science Investigation of AKR1C3 protein inhibition mechanism and design of new inhibitors [Volume 13, Number 52]
:: Iau Science Introduction of miR-200c as an attenuator of PD-L1 expression in breast cancer cell lines [Volume 13, Number 52]
:: Iau Science Relationship between serum leptin and insulin resistance among obese Iranian women [Volume 13, Number 52]
:: Iau Science Screening of lactic acid bacteria as suitable human probiotics isolated from ‌Azerbaijan dairy products [Volume 13, Number 51]
:: Iau Science In vitro evaluation of the inhibitory effect of prodigiosin pigment from Serratia marsecsenes on Trichomonas vaginalis [Volume 13, Number 51]
:: Iau Science Evaluation of the effect of nanocomposites based on magnetic nanoparticles on wound healing [Volume 13, Number 52]
:: Iau Science Evaluation of rhamnosyl transferase enzyme expression in the bio surfactant production pathway of Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria in the presence of SDS-based iron nanostructure [Volume 13, Number 49]
:: Iau Science Evaluation of the effect of carbon-based nanocomposites containing Trachyspermum on gtf gene expression in Streptococcus mutans [Volume 12, Number 48]
:: Iau Science Molecular characterization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates resistance to first and second line drug on gene effect in the Clinical samples from suspected patients to Tuberculosis [Volume 13, Number 49]
:: Iau Science Evaluation of cytotoxicity of calcium hydroxide, sodium fluoride and their mixture in order to introduce the best combination for use in root canal treatment [Volume 13, Number 49]
:: Iau Science Evaluation of 4 weeks of swim training and supplemented herniarin on lipid profile in a diabetic animal model with streptozotocin [Volume 13, Number 51]
:: Iau Science Cloning and Expression of the Recombinant HPV16/18 L1-L2-E7 Polypeptide in Bacterial Expression System [Volume 11, Number 43]
:: Iau Science The importance of ErbB signaling pathway in identifying biomarkers influencing the development of coronary artery disease: an in-silico study [Volume 11, Number 43]
:: Iau Science Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique for rapid detection of Cytomegalovirus in idiopathic abortions [Volume 12, Number 45]
:: Iau Science A survey of evolutionary changes of fatty acids and storage proteins in three Brassica species by comparative genomics method [Volume 12, Number 45]
:: Iau Science Simulation and comparison of the tertiary structure of spike protein belong SARS-CoV-2, Bat-SL-CoVZC21, PCoV_GX-P4L, and identification the hotspot amino acids in the trimeric structure of protein [Volume 12, Number 48]
:: Iau Science An overview of the health benefits of kombucha nutritional compounds and metabolites [Volume 13, Number 49]
:: Iau Science Recombinant Production of metalloproteinase domain of Ecarin as the main activator of prothrombin [Volume 11, Number 43]
:: Iau Science . Comparison of anti-candida effects of aqueous, ethanolic extracts and essential oil of E. angustifolia with fluconazole on the growth of clinical strains of Candida [Volume 11, Number 43]
:: Iau Science . PCR Detection of Herpes Simplex Virus 2 in Idiopathic Abortions [Volume 11, Number 44]
:: Iau Science . Comparison of spring and autumn Artemisia aucheri extracts in in inhibition of HSV- 1 virus replication [Volume 11, Number 44]
:: Iau Science. Cloning, expression and purification of vibrioblock proteins as candidates for cholera [Volume 11, Number 43]
:: Iau Science. Evaluation of the effect of ionic liquids based on amino acid on the expression of pathogenic genes of Enterococcus faecalis strains isolated from the mouth [Volume 12, Number 48]
:: Iau Science. Immunological Evaluation of HIV-1 Nef-MPER-V3 Harboring IMT-P8 Penetrating Peptide in BALB/c Mice [Volume 11, Number 44]
:: Iau Science. Expression changes of apoptotic and metastatic genes in MCF-7 and SKBR3 breast cancer cells under the influence of niosomes containing farnesol and gingerol [Volume 14, Number 53]
:: Iau Science. Investigating the Antibacterial Effect of Zinc Oxide / Banana Peel Bionanoparticles on Multidrug-resistant Uropathogenic Bacteria Isolated from Children Under Two Years of Age [Volume 14, Number 53]
:: Iau Science. Design and construction of recombinant oncolytic adenoviruses for the treatment of gastric cancer cell lines: a viral vector-based approach [Volume 14, Number 53]
:: Iau Science. From bioinformatics to Neuroinformatics [Volume 14, Number 54]
:: Iau Science. A comparative survey in vitro effect of aqueous and alcoholic extracts of Sumac fruit on Trichomonas vaginalis and Candida albicans [Volume 14, Number 53]
:: Iau Science. Synthesis of nickel (II) complex stabilized on magnetic nanoparticles and evaluation of its efficiency in separating OPH and OmpW proteins [Volume 14, Number 53]
:: Iau Science. Investigating the expression of miR-509-3-5p and miR-596 in tumor tissue and tumor peripheral tissue in breast cancer patients [Volume 14, Number 53]
:: Iau Science. Synthesis and study of cellular and physicochemical properties of nanoliposomes containing aqueous extract of Hedera Helix [Volume 12, Number 45]
:: Iau Science. Trans Differentiation of Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells into Dopaminergic neurons via Neurosphere Pulp Stem Cells into Dopaminergic neurons [Volume 13, Number 50]
:: Iau Science. Association of rs737008 in PRM1 and rs4780356 in PRM2 Polymorphisms with Idiopathic Infertility in Iranian men [Volume 14, Number 53]
:: Iau Science. Application of phenazine pigment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates to prepare colored paper and candle [Volume 11, Number 44]
:: Iau Science. Evaluation of Exosomes Extracted from MCF7 Cells Treated with natural active substances Effective in inhibiting the growth of breast cancer cells with different mechanisms [Volume 14, Number 54]
:: Iau Science. Evaluation of antibacterial effect of methanolic extract of Verbascum thapsus L. Ecotypes in North Khorasan against of Escherichia coli, Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus in vitro [Volume 11, Number 44]
:: Iau Science. Determining the effective dose of cadmium on viability and connexin43 gene expression in RAW264-7 cell line [Volume 14, Number 54]
:: Iau Science. Comparison of total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of Thuja orientalis leaf and short stem extracts isolated from Tehran and Noshahr [Volume 14, Number 54]
:: Iau Science. [Volume 14, Number 54]
:: Iau Science. A new therapeutic approach for the treatment of breast cancer using synthesis of liposomes containing silybinin and their characterization [Volume 11, Number 44]
:: Iau Science. Effects of anthocyanins on blood biochemical factors related to diabetes in diabetic adult rats treated with streptococci [Volume 14, Number 55]
:: Iau Science. Investigating the effect of aerobic exercise combined with berberine chloride consumption on liver cell apoptosis in diabetic male Wistar rats with streptozotocin [Volume 14, Number 55]
:: Iau Science. Comparison of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) level and function for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease [Volume 14, Number 55]
:: Iau Science. Design of Eukaryotic Vector Harboring L1-E7 Polyepitope Fusion Construct of High Risk Human Papillomaviruses [Volume 11, Number 44]
:: Iau Science. Comparison of the transfection efficiency of cationic virosome derived from vesicular stomatitis virus and the two commercial transfection reagents in HEK-293 and Vero cell lines [Volume 14, Number 55]
:: Iau Science. Evaluating the disinfection power of chlorine dioxide solution in certain concentrations on spore- forming and non-spore- forming bacteria [Volume 14, Number 55]
:: Iau Science. The investigation of antibacterial activity of bohemite-gold and bohemite-gold-chitosan on bacteria causing infection in skin wounds [Volume 14, Number 55]
:: Iau Science. Bioinformatics analyzing of genes expression alterations in peripheral blood monocyte cells of osteoarthritis patients [Volume 14, Number 55]
:: Iau Science. Decreased expression of genes involved in keratin synthesis in patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis [Volume 14, Number 55]
:: Iau Science. Evaluation of the cytotoxicity of antagonist actinomycetes on colorectal cancer cell line [Volume 12, Number 45]
:: Iau Science. Investigation of biomarker value of SLC1A2 gene in tissue samples of patients with glioblastoma multiforme [Volume 12, Number 47]
:: Iau Science. Distinctive analysis of qualitative traits of hazelnut germplasm in Northwestern Iran using ATG start codon region genetic marker(SCoT) [Volume 12, Number 48]
:: Iau Science. Comparison of the effects of functionalized MNPs by mesoporous silica and L-lysine (NH2-Si@Fe3O4) on structural changes of egg white lysozyme protein (HEWL) [Volume 12, Number 47]
:: Iau Science. Detection of Virulence Factors in Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli Isolates from Poultry with Colibacillosis in Ilam City [Volume 12, Number 47]
:: Iau Science. Identification of Ganoderma lucidum reishi in herbal supplements by PCR using markers of ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region [Volume 12, Number 47]
:: Iau Science. The Lactobacillus acidophilus probiotic effect on the il10 gene expression in Zebrafish infected with E. coli O157:H7 [Volume 13, Number 50]
:: Iau Science. Investigation of the effect of microgravity and light spectrum on the antioxidant enzymes activity, elements and photosynthetic pigments of Physalis alkekengi in vitro. [Volume 13, Number 49]
:: Iau Science. Investigation of PVA / GT / Fe3O4 nanocomposite for targeted delivery of HCQ drug [Volume 13, Number 49]
:: Iau Science. Overexpression of B7-H4 gene in gastric cancer as a potential diagnostic biomarker [Volume 11, Number 43]
:: Iau Science. Optimization of Penicillium halotolerans cellulase and lipase and pectinase production using Taguchi method [Volume 12, Number 47]
:: Iau Science. Investigation of nanoniosomal formulation containing doxorubicin effect on ovarian cancer cell line (OVCAR-3 cell line) [Volume 11, Number 43]
:: Iau Science. Study of cultivable actinobacterial diversity in Sahoulan Cave and evaluation of their antimicrobial activity [Volume 13, Number 49]
:: Iau Science. Investigation of human cellular response on cyclic RGD peptide immobilized on silicon surfaces via click chemistry [Volume 12, Number 46]
:: Iau Science. Evaluation of Allergic Effects of Aqueous Extract of Fennel on Wheat Grass Germination Factors [Volume 12, Number 46]
:: Iau Science. An overview of bioterrorism and its association with the emerging coronavirus [Volume 12, Number 46]
:: Iau Science. Polymer nanoparticles as a useful tool for controlled and targeted release of anticancer drugs: A review article [Volume 13, Number 50]
:: Iau Science. Study of immune responses of enterotoxemia vaccine in Kermani sheep and goats [Volume 13, Number 50]
:: Iau Science. Genotyping of Brucella bacteria isolated from samples of patients suspected of brucellosis by technique PCR-RFLP in Tehran(2017-2020) [Volume 12, Number 47]
:: Iau Science. Evaluation of the effect of zinc on the physiological stress process of spinach [Volume 12, Number 47]
:: Iau Science. The effect of silver nanoparticles on the viability of normal skin cells (MHFB-1) [Volume 12, Number 46]
:: Iau Science. Evaluation of YKL39 target gene expression and its miR in the tissues of glioblastoma multiforme patients [Volume 12, Number 46]
:: Iau Science. Isolation of Lactobacillus spp from cheese and their microencapsulation to increase shelf life [Volume 12, Number 48]
:: Iau Science. Extracting the creatininease enzyme and investigating the effect of different concentrations of gold nanoparticles on the enzyme activity [Volume 12, Number 48]
:: Iau Science. Cloning, Expression and Purification of the Outer Membrane of Tir Protein from E.coli O157: H7 and Evaluation its Structure [Volume 12, Number 46]
:: Iau Science. Comparative study of UV protection of pigments of Aspergillus oryzae and Aspergillus flavus [Volume 13, Number 51]
:: Iau Science. Evaluating the prevalence antibiotic resistance pattern of bacteria isolated from urinary tract infection in Savadkuh city from the beginning of April 2020 to the end of September 2020 [Volume 12, Number 46]
:: Iau Science. Quantitative and qualitative determination of the leaf and seed alcoholic extract of Peganum harmala and the evaluation of antioxidant properties of the extract [Volume 13, Number 52]
:: Iau Science. Evaluation of Exosomes Extracted from AGS Cells Treated with Nano Coumarin Effect on the Induction of the External Apoptotic Pathway in Drug-Resistant Gastric Cancer Cells [Volume 13, Number 50]
:: Iau Science. Antimicrobial peptides and their heterologous production in plant systems [Volume 12, Number 47]
:: Iau Science. Investigating the molecular mechanism of Bio denitrification by thiobacillus denitrificans in the presence of metal nanostructure in bioreactor [Volume 13, Number 51]
:: Iau Science. Green biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles by freshwater cyanobacteria Nostoc spp. and evaluation of its antimicrobial activity [Volume 13, Number 50]
:: Iau Science. Investigation of antioxidant properties of essential oil of two different species of safflower in natural and agricultural habitat of North Khorasan [Volume 13, Number 50]
:: Iau Science. Optimization of Biodenitrification Using Aluminum and Calcium Based Graphene Nanostructures in Bioreactor [Volume 13, Number 50]
:: Iau Science. Inhibitory role of formate dehydrogenase enzyme in the growth of BL21 industrial bacteria [Volume 12, Number 46]
:: Iau Science. ​​​​​​​ Application of multiplex-PCR in oxa and ndm genes assessment and definition of antibiotic resistance pattern in Acinetobacter baumannii clinical samples [Volume 14, Number 54]
:: Iau science. Genetic diversity and relationships of populations of three Lepidium species using combined data analysis of molecular markers [Volume 14, Number 54]
:: Iau science. Investigation of Aurora Kinase-B gene expression in breast cancer patients [Volume 14, Number 54]
:: IgM Study of seroprevalence of cytomegalovirus in voluntary blood donors of Ardebil province [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: Indirect Immunofluorescence, Amniotic fluid, Culturing, Abortion, Preterm labour Comparative study of Intrauterine Listeriosis by Indirect Immunofluorescence of Serum Antibody and Amniotic Fluid Culturing in Aborted Mother and Preterm Labour [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Infertility Study and detection of ERG11 gene mutation in resistant - drug Candida albicans and relation with Iranian women infertility [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: Integrons Analysis of the relationship between the frequency of class I integron and drug resistance in clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa [Volume 8, Number 31]
:: Interleukin 4 receptor. Investigation of genetic variation of IL-4 receptor rs1801275 in patients with multiple sclerosis in Isfahan [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: Iran Determination of Drug Susceptibility Pattern of Clinical Isolates of Nontuberculous Mycobacteria from Iranian Patients [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: Iran Frequency of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism of TNF--α Gene (rs1800629) in Iranian Patients with Hepatitis [Volume 7, Number 26]
:: Iran. Molecular Detection of Large Tumor Antigen Mutations of Merkel Cell Polyomavirus in Patients with Skin Cancer [Volume 7, Number 25]
:: Isolation, Chromatography, venom, Mesobuthus eupeus Isolation of Iranian Mesobuthus eupeus Venom Toxic Fractions by 3 Different Chromatography Methods [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: J774A-1 Study of Leishmania Tropica proliferation in mouse J774A-1 cell line. [Volume 9, Number 36]
:: Julans regia L, asexual reproduction, rooting, IBA, 2,4-D Asexual Reproduction of Juglans regia L. by using Growth Regulators of IBA and 2,4-D [Volume 2, Number 5]
:: Karyotype, Gladiolus, Chromosome, Cytogenetic, Ploidy Level Karyotypic Studies of Gladiolus Italicus Mill Population [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Kinetics of drug release. Characterization of PEGylated nano-niosomes containing Gemcitabine and evaluation of their cytotoxicity on human fibroblast (HFF) cell Line and MCF-7 breast cancer cell Line [Volume 15, Number 57]
:: Klebsiella pneumonia- urinary trac infections- Antibiotic resistance- Efflux pump Determination of existence of oqxAB genes in Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from urinary tract infections and their antibiotic resistance pattern in Qom [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: Klebsiella pneumoniae -Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase bla CTX-M gene Molecular identification of coding genes of beta-lactamase (CTX-M) in Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from patients reffer to hospitals of Tehran city [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: Kosmotrope and Chaotrope Stability and activity of alcohol dehydrogenase in the presence of kosmotrope and chaotrope salt series [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: L-asparaginase, Bacillus, Cancer, Leukemia Isolation and molecular identification of Bacillus species that produce extracellular L asparaginase, an anti-cancer enzyme, from soils [Volume 3, Number 11]
:: L929 Anti-proliferative and Apoptotic Effects of Nickel Complexes including 3-Hydroxyflavone, 3-Hydroxy-2-methyl-4-pyrone (Maltol) and 3-Hydroxy-1,2-dimethyl-4-pyridinone (Deferiprone) on some Cancer Cell Lines [Volume 7, Number 26]
:: L929 Synthesis, structural elucidation, and in vitro antiproliferative and Apoptotic Effects of a novel oxovanadium (IV)-curcumin complex [Volume 6, Number 21]
:: LEA Protein, Drought resistance, Wheat, Insilco AFLP Analysis The Bioinformatics Study of Wdhn13 Gene in Diploid, Tetraploid and Hexaploid Wheat Cultivar by Using Insilco AFLP Analysis [Volume 3, Number 11]
:: Lactobacillus strain, genetic diversity, traditional dairy products, RAPD markers, UPGMA dendrogram Detection of genetic diversity of lactobacillus species isolated from different traditional dairy products by RAPD markers [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Leishmania, silver, nanoparticles, biosynthesis Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles by Leishmania sp. [Volume 3, Number 9]
:: Lentinula edodes The effect of oak wood crude extract on the antioxidant nature of Lentinula edodes fungi [Volume 9, Number 35]
:: Lipase, Cloning, Bacillus subtilis, secretory expression Cloning and Expression of the Bacillus Pumilus F3 Lipase Gene into Bacillus Subtilis and Determining of Comparative Expression Level Between Native and Recombinant Enzyme [Volume 3, Number 9]
:: Liposome, Cisplatin , Targeted Drug Delivery , Loading Nanocarrier Liposome Production from Lecithin and Cisplatin Loading on it [Volume 2, Number 7]
:: Listeria monocytogenes Rapid molecular detection of Listeria monocytogenes in Iran industrial sauce [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: Listeria monocytogenes The Evaluation of Antibacterial effect of Aquatic and Ethanolic Extract of Nerium oleander against Standard strains of Salmonella Typhi and Listeria Monocytogenes in vitro condition [Volume 8, Number 31]
:: Listeria monocytogenes, Contaminated Food Samples Comparison of Methods for Detection of Listeria Monocytogenes in Food Samples Contaminated [Volume 2, Number 6]
:: Liver Comparison of aqueous and alcoholic extracts of Eryngium billardieri fruit with metformin in the treatment of type 2 diabetes in male Wistar rats [Volume 10, Number 40]
:: MCF-7 cell line Evaluation of Anti tumor properties of indoloquinazoline on MCF-7 cell line [Volume 6, Number 21]
:: MCF-7 cell line To evaluate the effect of formulation of Nanoarchaeosomal 6-gingerol on the growth of breast cancer MCF-7 cell line [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: MIC Incidence of new bacterial species resistance to copper and antibiotics in smeltery industrial wastewater in Isfahan [Volume 8, Number 29]
:: MIC (Minimum Inhibition Concentration). Isolation of qacE gene in Antimicrobial resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa from hospitals [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: MIRD method The effect of contrast agents and Tc-99m radionuclide simultaneously to increase the dose in cancer therapy [Volume 8, Number 31]
:: MLC-2a Expression of cardiomyocytesANF، MLC-2a andMLC-2vgenesas endothelial cellular markers in vascular system [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: MLSA Species spectrum of pathogenic Nocardia isolated from patients [Volume 6, Number 21]
:: MTT The effect of deuterium depleted water on cell growth and antioxidant systems of breast cancer cells [Volume 9, Number 33]
:: MTT The study of cytotoxic effect of the new chromene compound on anaplastic thyroid cancer cell line (ATC) [Volume 7, Number 26]
:: MTT assay The Antioxidant and cytotoxic Effects of Lavandulla anguostifouliya on the 8305C cell line [Volume 8, Number 32]
:: MTT assay Biosynthesis of Gold nanoparticles by Staphylococcus aureus 29213 and Evaluation of its antibacterial and cytotoxicity [Volume 6, Number 21]
:: Malva sylvestris Effectiveness of Malva sylvestris extract on growth and biofilm formation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: Matrix protein 2, Influenza, Recombinant vaccines, Cholera toxin B subunit, Fusion Cloning Influenza m2e- Vibrio cholera ctxB fusion fragment in pET28a plasmid [Volume 3, Number 9]
:: Mazandaran The effect of some ecological factors on the essential oil of Teucrium polium L. [Volume 4, Number 13]
:: Medicinal herb Study the genomes expressed in leaf nodes cells of Salvia fruticosa herb to identify important genomic elements [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: Mental health. Iau Science. A review of the correlation between anxiety and the prevalence of Covid 19 [Volume 11, Number 43]
:: Metabolism A Review of Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: Methanobrevibacter smithii Preparation of Archaeosome Adjuvant from membrane Polar lipids of large scale cultured Methanobreveibacter smithii [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: Mice Study the effect of endocannabinoid, cholinergic system and both of them on the memory mice [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: Microbial biomass Survey applicability of microbial dynamic and enzyme activity instead conventional methods in determined of maturity of compost [Volume 4, Number 13]
:: Microorganism Biological composting in some of the agricultural organic waste and survey of microorganism kinetic models [Volume 8, Number 29]
:: Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) Isolation and molecular identification of resistant bacteria Pb from soils oil contaminated in area C-branch Masjed Soleiman city in Khuzestan [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: Multiplex PCR. Identification of 3 Virulence Factors kpsMTII, iucD‚ usp in Urinary Tract Infection E. coli by Multiplex-PCR [Volume 10, Number 38]
:: Mutations rpoB, MTB, Tehran. Characterization of mutations in the rpoB gene of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolated from Tehran City [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Mycobacterial Diagnosis of skin infections caused by atypical Mycobacterium using PCR method [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: Mycobacterium Chelonae, Metastatic Breast Cancer Isolation of Mycobacterium Chelonae in the Sputum of Patient with Metastatic Breast Cancer [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Mycoplasma , Infertility , Urogenital infections , Abortion A review of the role of Mycoplasma infections in humans' infertility [Volume 2, Number 8]
:: Myokine Interactions between skeletal muscles and distant organs mediated by signaling factors during exercise: a narrative review [Volume 15, Number 57]
:: NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 (ND2) gene Molecular investigation of population of Rachycentron Canadum species in the northern part of the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea based on NADH dehydrogenase (ND2) gene [Volume 6, Number 21]
:: Nano Drug delivery of pegylated nanoliposomal paclitaxel to breast cancer cell line [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: Nano silver particles, semen extender,bull sperm, antibiotics Replacing of antibiotic with nano silver in bull sperm extenders [Volume 3, Number 10]
:: Nanoparticles application, cytotoxicity, free radicals Invitro cytotoxicity effects of nanoparticles [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Native dairy products of Iran Investigation of Exopolysaccharide production by isolated lactic acid bacterium from Iranian traditional cheese and yoghurt [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Neonatal sepsis, bacterial agent, Antibiotic resistance, Prematurity study of the role of common bacterial etiology in neonatal sepsis in Urumiah Shahid [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Nerium oleander The study of toxicity and teratogenic effects of Nerium oleander leave’s extract on chicken embryo [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: NeuroD1 gene. The Effect of Silymarin on Neuro D1 Gene Expression and Blood Glucagon Level in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats [Volume 10, Number 38]
:: Neurotensin, technetium, pancreas, Tumor, cells Preparation of a labeled neurotensin analog and its biological evaluation for tumor imaging [Volume 3, Number 10]
:: Niosomes, Paclitaxel, Polyethylene glycol, Nano drug delivery, Nanotechnology, Breast cancer. Preparation of nanoniosomal Paclitaxel formulation and survey of it’s Cytotoxic Effect on breast cancer cell line (MCF-7) [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Nisin, AGS, Cytotoxicity Cytotoxicity of Nisin on Human Gastric Carcinoma (AGS) Cell Line [Volume 3, Number 10]
:: Nitroxin. Effect of Biological and Chemical Nitrogen Fertilizers on Growth, Yield and Essential Oil Composition of Dill (Anethum graveolens L.) [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: Nocardia Antimicrobial susceptibility of clinical isolates of Nocardia in Iran [Volume 6, Number 21]
:: Non-Tuberculous Mycobacteria, Identification, hsp65, PRA Identification of Clinical Isolates of Mycobacteria Recovered from Iranian Patients by Phenotypic and Molecular Methods [Volume 2, Number 7]
:: Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) Comparison and optimization of methods for isolation of Non-Tuberculous mycobacteria from surface water [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: OXA-10 Role of class 1 Integron in prevalence extended-spectrum beta-lactamases of class D (oxa-2 , oxa-10) along with determining antibiotic resistance pattern in Pseudomonas strains isolated from clinical specimens [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: Ocimum basilicum, nano iron chelated fertilizer, iron chelated fertilizer, growth Parameters, photosynthetic pigments, antioxidant enzymes Comparison of Nano Fe Chelate with Fe Chelate Effect on Growth Parameters and Antioxidant Enzymes Activity of Ocimum Basilicum [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Oleaginous micro-organisms, Microbial oil, Taguchi design, FTIR Spectroscopy Production and optimization of microbial oil from oleaginous yeasts Yarrowia lipolytica DSM70562 & native yeast Geotrichum Bl [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Oxidative stress Oxidant/Antioxidant index evaluation in the rat embryo induced by Nano-silver particle [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: PCR Frequency of Listeria monocytogenes prfA, actA , inlB genes among infertile women referred to Medical center of University by PCR Method in 2013 [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: PCR Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in synovial fluid from patients with arthritis using PCR [Volume 9, Number 35]
:: PCR Molecular diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori in semen of infertile men [Volume 9, Number 36]
:: PCR An Investigation Of Genetic Diversity Urtica dioica L. in Central area of Mazandaran provenience by RAPD marker [Volume 7, Number 25]
:: PCR DNA immunization and viral load in vaccinated trout following experimental infection with infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) [Volume 9, Number 36]
:: PCR Isolation of infected Mycoplasma. synoviae from the ostrich’s lungs in Kerman province [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: PCR Comparison and evaluation of laboratory diagnostic method -smear, culture, molecular- in the fungal infection(Aspergillus, Dermatophyte and Mucor) [Volume 7, Number 25]
:: PCR Three-Rhizobia Screening On the amount of photosynthetic pigments of The Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata) Plant Which Was Under Nickel Stress [Volume 9, Number 33]
:: PCR Molecular detection of Salmonella bacteria isolated by PCR from ostriches samples in Sirjan district of Kerman province [Volume 9, Number 33]
:: PCR Evaluation of Legionella water contamination and environmental pollution in Ahvaz Teaching hospitals using culture and multiplication of 16S rRNA gene [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: PCR Isolation and Identification of Acanthamoeba from Tonekabon Rivers Regional, Mazandaran in 2016 [Volume 8, Number 32]
:: PCR Study on Streptococcus pyogenes sepA, sepB and sepC genes in psoriasis patients isolated [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: PCR-RFLP Study of DGAT-1 gene polymorphism in Mehraban-sheep by PCR-RFLP technique [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: PCR. Study of infertility in female with Staphylococcus aureus infection and its relation with some bacreria superantigens [Volume 9, Number 35]
:: Pap smear. Knowledge and awareness of Pap smear screening among Parand and Robat-Karim women [Volume 4, Number 13]
:: Pegylate Evaluation the cytotoxicity of nanoliposomal artemisinin on breast cancer cell line [Volume 4, Number 13]
:: Pegylated nanoliposome Drug Delivery of Pegylated Nanoliposomal Cisplatin in Ovarian Cancer Cell Line A2780CP: in vitro Study [Volume 7, Number 25]
:: Peptide Radiolabeling Comparison of Two Iranian Gastrin Releasing Peptide Analogs as a Malignant Breast and ProstateTumor Imaging Agent [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: Peroxidase, kinetics, guaiacol concentrations, Crocus sativus L Kinetic Study of Peroxidase Activity in Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) Corms exposed to different guaiacol concentrations [Volume 3, Number 11]
:: Persian Gulf and Oman Sea karyological studies on Penaeus indicus (Fennero penaeus) of Persian Gulf and Oman Sea [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: Phylogenetic Phylogenetic study of Peronia peronii species (Mollusca Gastropod: sea slug) in inter-tidal Chabahar coast, based on 18s-rDNA sequence [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: Phylogenetic relationships. Assessment of genetic diversity in unknown and commercially citrus cultivars of north of Iran using SSR markers [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: Phylogeny Phylogenetic Study of Linaria (Plantaginaceae) Based on Chloroplastic DNA Sequences From Iran [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: Physiological and Morphological Characteristics Effect of Azospirillium on the morphological and physiological traits of basil (Ocimum basilicum) under salt stress. [Volume 8, Number 29]
:: Phytic acid, Phytase, Hexahistidine-tag, Cloning and yeast Cloning of gene encoding phytase included hexahistidine-tag from the Peniophora lycii in yeast [Volume 3, Number 9]
:: Phytoene synthase PSY is a rate-limiting enzyme in carotenoid biosynthesis pathway in maize (Zea mays) leaves [Volume 4, Number 13]
:: Polar body and Cow Effect of Fennel essence on nuclear maturation of bovine oocyte [Volume 7, Number 25]
:: Polymorphism Association Study of miR-23a rs3745453 Polymorphism with Multiple Sclerosis in a Sample of Iranian Population [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: Primary Growth Assessment of seed priming effect in adjustment of salinity stress in Satureja sahendica [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: Proteomics, Salinity stress, 2D-Electrophoresis, Aeluropus Littoralis Study of Aeluropus littoralis Leaves Proteom Response to Salinity Stress [Volume 2, Number 8]
:: Proton pump, vH+-ATPase subunit c, Salt stress, Aeluropus littoralis Molecular Cloning and Characterization of Vacuolar H+-ATPase Subunit C Gene in Halophyte Plant, Aeluropus Littoralis [Volume 2, Number 5]
:: Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Elastase، cloning، Expression, Purification, Characterization. Cloning, Gene Expression, Purification and Characterization of Elastase from Pseudomonas Aeruginosa [Volume 2, Number 7]
:: Pseudomonas aeruginosa Production of pyocin by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and investigation of its synergism effect with some common antibiotics in vitro [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: Psittacine birds. Detection of virulence genes of intimin, hemolysin and shigatoxin in Escherichia coli isolated from Pscittacin [Volume 10, Number 38]
:: Q uinoxaline, pyrazoline, antitumor, K562 cell line, PBMC Synthesis and antitumor evaluation of spiro quinoxaline-pyrazoline derivative on K562 cell line [Volume 3, Number 10]
:: RAPD Molecular marker Study of Genetic Diversity of Thymus Pubescens using RAPD Marker [Volume 4, Number 13]
:: RAPD markers Investigation of Genetic Diversity in Cotton Cultivars using RAPD Markers [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: RNAi, siRNA, gene regulation, innate immunity Investigation of Innate Immune Signaling Concerned with siRNA from a Molecular Viewpoint [Volume 2, Number 6]
:: Raji Cell Line Vincristine loaded niosomes as an effective drug delivery system for lymphoma [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: Rat Investigation the effects of silver nano particles on ovary tissue and HPG axis in rats [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: Rats Evaluation of Intraperitoneal LD50 of Methanolic Extract of Aerial Parts of Sclerorhachis platyrachis in Rats [Volume 7, Number 26]
:: Real Time PCR Expression Levels of Pluripotency Specific Markers, Oct4 and Nanog in IVF derived Mouse Blastocysts [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: Real-Time PCR Evaluation of regulatory T cells (CD4 + / FOXP3 +) and expression of indoleamine 2 and 3 dioxygenase in acute leukemia by flow cytometry and Real Time PCR [Volume 13, Number 52]
:: Recombinant protein Progress in Escherichia coli production of recombinant proteins [Volume 10, Number 38]
:: Response surface methodology Box- Behnken. Design of controlled release of Olanzapine by using Glycerol Monooleate in Sol-gel Systems [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), osteoprotegrin (OPG), matrix Gla protein (MGP), high sensitivity CRP (hs-CRP). Comparison of Serum Matrix Gla-protein (MGP) with Osteoprotegerin (OPG) and Correlation with Disease Severity (DAS) in Women Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis [Volume 3, Number 11]
:: Rhizopus oryzae – loofa sponge– butylolaete – membrane-bound lipase – Molecular sieves Immobilization of Rhizopus oryzae on loofa sponge affects interacellularly produced lipases [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: Rice , Salt Stress , NaCl , Germination Effects of Salt Stress in Germination Stage in Rice Genotypes (Oryza sativa L.) [Volume 2, Number 6]
:: Rosa damascene Mill The Investigation of Organic and Chemical Fertilizers Effects on the Yield and Phenolic Compounds Extract of (Rosa damascene Mill) [Volume 8, Number 29]
:: SHV The prevalence and frequency of TEM and SHV beta-lactamase resistance genes and CTX-M in Enterobacteriaceae isolated from clinical samples in the laboratory kahooresten [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: SNP rs11567685 Association Study in Promoter region of IL7Rα Gene Polymorphism in Multiple Sclerosis Patients in Khuzestan Province [Volume 7, Number 25]
:: SSR1and SSR2 Review and compare Mycobacterium paratuberculosis isolated from livestock in the provinces of Tehran and Alborz by PCR, SSR methods [Volume 8, Number 31]
:: Sale Survey of the commercial value and sale of biotech pharmaceutical products [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: Salicylic acid; Grape; S uperoxide dismutase Effect of salicylic acid on the antioxidant system in some grape varieties under cold stress [Volume 3, Number 9]
:: Salinity Effects of silver nanoparticles on salinity tolerance in basil plant (Ocimum basilicum L.) during germination in vitro [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: Salmas A study of the drug resistance pattern of Group B Streptococcus isolated from urinary samples in the city of Salmas during the year 2015 [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: Satureja hortensis, nano Fe chelate fertilizer, Catalase, Peroxdiase, ascorbate peroxdiase The Effect of Nano Fe Chelate and Fe Chelate on the Growth and Activity of some Antioxidant [Volume 2, Number 5]
:: Scanning Electron Microscope Production of microbial cellulose by native species of Pseudomonas luteola [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: Science Iau The effect of silver nanoparticles synthesized from hydroalcoholic extract of Digitalis nervosa on breast cancer cell line MCF7 [Volume 13, Number 52]
:: Sea cucumber, Holothuria parva, SDS-PAGE, DSC, FT-IR, Pepsin-Solubilized collagen Structural Comparison between Collagen Isolated from Sea Cucumber Holothuria Parva and Calf Skin Collagen Type I [Volume 2, Number 6]
:: Secondary metabolites. Investigation of Antioxidant, Antibacterial, and Cytotoxic Effects of the Hydroalcoholic Extract of Seeds of Polylophium involucratum (Pall.) Boiss. on the Cell Line of Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer [Volume 14, Number 56]
:: Sequencing Comparative monitoring of dominant symbiont clades of Symbiodinium in reef-building corals of eastern Kish Island, Persian gulf [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: Sequencing Investigation of relationship between MicroRNA Machinery Genes polymorphism(RAN rs14035,DICER rs3742330 )and recurrent spontaneous abortion in city of Tehran [Volume 8, Number 29]
:: Sheep Isolation and identification of Mycoplasma agalactiae by culture and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from milk of sheep in Masal, Guilan [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: Silver nanoparticles, Antibacterial activity, Escherichia coli, Fusarium oxysporum Evaluation of the Antibacterial Properties of Silver Nanoparticles synthesized with Fusarium Oxysporum and Escherichia coli [Volume 2, Number 6]
:: Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Investigation of relationship between FSHR gene functional polymorphism at codon680 and infertility in Iranian females [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: Single nucleotide polymorphism Association study of rs4846049 and rs1801131 polymorphisms of MTHFR gene with migraine in Iranian patients [Volume 8, Number 32]
:: Soil bacteria Isolation and identification of producing riboflavin bacteria from the soil of different area of Iran [Volume 8, Number 32]
:: Solvent Accessible Surface Area Molecular dynamics simulations of Aβ (1-42) and Aβ (1-40): A comparative study to determine their role in the development of Alzheimer's disease [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: Spoligotyping, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Typing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Isolated from Patients in the Tehran City by Spoilgotyping [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Starch Synthesis of the Bio-functionalized magnetic nanoparticles with starch [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: Streptozotocin Effect of Silymarin on Blood Glucose and Hnf4a Gene Expression in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Male Wistar Rats [Volume 10, Number 38]
:: Sugar Beet; Plant Density; Water Stress; Yield Investigation of drought stress effects on some quantity and quality characteristics of new eugenics sugar beet genotypes [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Sugar beet, Rhizomania, RAPD-PN3 marker Selection of Dominant Homozygous Plants Resistant to Rhizomaniain Cultivated Beta Germplasm Using RAPD-PN3 Marker [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Surface active agents Production of biosurfactant by Lactobacillus for using in food industry as a substitution for synthetic emulsifiers [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: Surface resonance plasma Evaluation of binding affinity and sensitivity of two specific E. coli O157:H7 aptamers using the ELISA method [Volume 14, Number 56]
:: Surface water The study of heavy metals cadmium and zinc resistance in Escherichia coli strains isolated from surface water of Tehran using serial dilution in tube [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: Survival percentage. ​​​​​​​ Cytotoxic effects of titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2) on colon cancer (Coca-2) cell line [Volume 15, Number 57]
:: Synergy. Induction of programmed cell death by “Retinoic acid, Formylindolo (3, 2-b) carbazole”-enhanced monoclonal antibody against CD44 in acute promyelocytic leukemia cells patients. [Volume 8, Number 31]
:: TEM Study on the antimicrobial effects of iron oxide nanoparticles synthesized by cytoplasmic extract of lactobacillus fermentum [Volume 9, Number 36]
:: TF. Investigating of karyological variation on some ecotypes of medicinal plant, Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn., in Iran [Volume 4, Number 13]
:: Taq man Allele- Specific Real-Time PCR. Study of V617F mutation in JAK2 gene in patients of suspected thrombosis with Taq man Allele Specific Real Time PCR method [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: Tehran Identification of potentially pathogenic Nontuberculous mycobacteria isolated from drinking water systems in Tehran [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: Tetracosane, Long-chain alkane, Mycobacterium genus Isolation of bacteria that degrade long-chain alkanes from oil contaminated soil [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Teucrium polium L., essence, Investigation, habitats, Mazandaran Investigation of Chemical composition of essential oil of Teucrium polium L. in different habitats of Mazandaran Province [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Thioacetamide. Study of the effect of hydroalcoholic extract of ginger and lemon juice on IL-6 inflammatory factor in thioacetamide treated male rats [Volume 9, Number 35]
:: Tissue Engineering- PRP- PLGA- Mesenchymal Stem Cells The comparison of natural and synthetic scaffolds protective capabilities as a suitable growth medium for adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: Tomato Effect of endophyte fungal symbiosis of Piriformospora india on morphological character and photosynthesis pigments in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: Trametes, antioxidant,phenol, flavonoid Comparison of antioxidant properties and of phytochemical compounds from Trametes gibbosa [Volume 3, Number 10]
:: Transcription Advances and challenges in recombinant protein expression in Escherichia coli [Volume 9, Number 36]
:: Transfection, Colon cancer, IGF-1R, siRNA, Lutetium, Cytotoxic Lutetium labeled-siRNA Delivery into Colon Cancer Cells Using Liposomes: A Comparative Study [Volume 2, Number 6]
:: Transformation Designing Novel Method for Increasing the External DNA Transformation Efficiency into the Escherichia coli, based on a Membrane Permeable Peptide [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: Tween80 Encapsulated of ascorbic acid in the nanomicelle [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: Type III Secretion System- Bacterial Nanomachine-injectisome- T3SS Bacterial Nanomachine: The Type III Injectisome [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: Urinary Tract Infection Study and evaluation of Zangaber extract antimicrobial effect on common urinary tract infection bacteria from patients isolated [Volume 7, Number 26]
:: Urinary infection Relation of fim H, pap and afa genes in urinary infection E.coli with male infertility [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: Urinary tract infection (UTIs). relation of gyrA and parC genes mutations with fluoroquinolones-resistance in Escherichia coli of urinary tract infections [Volume 7, Number 25]
:: Urmia Evaluate the efficiency of phytoremediation of Lolium, Amaranth and Sorghum in cleaning up contaminated soil in Urmia area [Volume 7, Number 26]
:: Vincristine, micronucleus, bone marrow cells, genotoxicity. Effects of Anticancer Drug Vincristine on induction of chromosome abnormalities in bone marrow cells of male Balb/c mice Using Micronucleus Assay [Volume 3, Number 10]
:: Wastes, Vegetable oil, Biosurfactant, Emulsification. Rhamnolipid biosurfactant production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa MR01 using vegetable oil refinery wastes [Volume 3, Number 9]
:: Water monitoring Water Qualitative monitoring of water of Mahabad River in terms of microbiological parameters Based on Protocol 1011 of the National Iranian Standards Organization [Volume 8, Number 31]
:: Wheat, Wdhn13 gene, LEA Protein The Molecular Study and Sequence Analysis of Wdhn13 (LEA) Gene in Common, Durum Wheat and Their Ancestral Genome Donor Species [Volume 3, Number 9]
:: Wound healing Dual application of hydroxyapatite tag in engineered PDGF peptide: purification and drug delivery [Volume 15, Number 57]
:: XRCC1 Comparison of XRCC1Arg399Gln Polymorphism in Endometriosis and Healthy Women [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: Zea mays. L., smut disease, test cross, morphological traits, Line×tester analysis. Study on gene effects and correlation between morphological traits and common smut (Ustilage maydis) deasease tolerance in maize (Zea mays L.) [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: alkanehydroxylase gene Relationship between alkanes hydroxylase gene and analysis of aliphatic compounds [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: anaerobic bacteria Desulfotomaculum, an anaerobic thermophilic sulfate-reducing bacterium isolated from Sarisu mineral hot spring in Ardebil Province [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: anti-bacterial properties Comparing Antibacterial effects of Garlic with Antibiotics by Staphylococcus Aureus Resistant to Methicillin, Streptococcus Pneumoniae and Shigella Dysenteriae Bacteria [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: antibacterial activity Isolation and antibiotic activity of actinomycets recoverd from Iranian deserts [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: antibacterial effects. Investigating the antibacterial effects of extract and protein fractions isolated from Adenium obesum plant in laboratory conditions [Volume 15, Number 57]
:: antibiogram Separation and Identification of Micromonospora genus from soil and their antibacterial properties [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: antibiotic resistance Studing the frequency of methicillin-resistant staphylococci by phenotypic and molecular methods among patients in some hospitals of Rasht [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: antioxidant compounds Evaluation of antioxidant and cytotoxic activity of local actinomycetes [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: archaeosome, cisplatin , targeted drug delivery , loading A nano Carrier Extracted from Archaea Called Archaeosome Examination of Cisplatin Loading [Volume 2, Number 5]
:: autoimmune disease Investigation of HLA-DQB2 allele in Patients with Alopecia Areata [Volume 9, Number 35]
:: batch culture Comparison of fermentation time effect on phenazine 1-carboxylic acid (PCA) anti-corrosion antibacterial activity extracted from Pseudomonas aeruginosa MUT3 strain against steel corrosive bacteria [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: beta-lactams Isolation of bla_vim gene in Antibiotic resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa from hospitals [Volume 8, Number 29]
:: biodegradation Bleaching of Reactive Black 5 by the halophilic and halotolerant bacteria isolated from wastewater of textile factories [Volume 7, Number 26]
:: biodistribution The synthesis of labeled colchicine and the study of its biological distribution [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: bone marrow cancer. Synthesis of sustained-release niosomal Doxorubicin and investigation of effective drug dose in nano-formula against bone marrow cancer [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: breast adenocarcinoma Evaluation of magnetic nanoparticles loaded with cisplatin Performance on breast cancer in In vivo and in vitro studies [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: cell culture [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: characterization Synthesis and characterization of bacterial cellulose by Acetobacter xylinum ATCC 10245 [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: chilling The effect of chilling and chemical treatment on seed dormancy of Capparisspinosa L [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: chondrogenesis Study of nano-titanium dioxide effects on the fore limb bud development of NMRI strain mouse embryo in vitro [Volume 4, Number 13]
:: cluster analysis Phylogenetic and Functional Study of SOS1 Gene to Different Plant Species [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: coa Evaluation of the frequency of Staphylococcus aureus Pathogenicity Island (SaPIs) by usingα-toxin gene withproduction of Panton Valentine Leukocidin in urinary tract infection isolates [Volume 9, Number 33]
:: cold sensitive. Expression and the purification of the Cold sensitive Taq DNA polymerase recombinant gene in E.coli [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: congored Optimization of bovine serum albumin fibrillation by congored spectrophotometric method for using as nanobiomaterial [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: cumin extract Effect of cumin extract and bacillus subtilis JQ61819 on reducing blood sugar and improving lipid profile in diabetic rats [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: cytotoxicity The cytotoxicity effects of 177Lu-PA-DOTA-Herceptin in breast cancer cell lines [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: cytotoxicity Preparation and evaluation of the properties of carboplatin-loaded poly butyl cyanoacrylate nanoparticle [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: czr Study of genes encoding resistance to cadmium and nickel in Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from wastewater Tehran [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: diabetes, indole ,5-hydroxy indole 2- carboxylic acid, alloxan Effect of Indole and 5-Hydroxy indole 2- carboxylic acid in alloxan- induced diabetic and non diabetic rats [Volume 3, Number 11]
:: digoxygenin-labled riboprobe Whole-mount In situ Hybridization in chick embryo [Volume 6, Number 21]
:: docking. Study of the effects of rs137852595 single-nucleotide polymorphism on drug resistance of androgen receptor against Enzalutamide treatments in patients with prostate [Volume 9, Number 33]
:: docking. The effect of single-nucleotide polymorphism rs141831067 in Dehydrofolate reductase gene on response to methotrexate in patients with prostate cancer [Volume 9, Number 35]
:: docking. Investigation of drug resistance against treatment with Enzalutamide medicine in individuals diagnosed with prostate cancer and studying the effect of rs137852574 single-nucleotide polymorphism in drug resistance in the human population of Isfahan province [Volume 8, Number 29]
:: drought stress, salicylic acid, Azosprillium, Bio fertilizer, medicinal plant The effect of Azosprillium spp bacteria, Salicylic acid and drought stress on morphological and physiological characteristics ofBasil (Ocimumbasilicum L.) [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: drug delivery Effect of gold nanoparticle on properties of liposomal hydroxyurea: in vitro study [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: drug delivery. Using viruses as carriers for drug delivery [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: dsRNA, siRNA, Innate immunity response Innate Immunity activated via siRNA [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: electrical cues Biomaterials Engineering as Stem Cells’ Niche [Volume 8, Number 32]
:: erotogenic The terotogenic effects of silver nanoparticles on embryo development in rats. [Volume 7, Number 25]
:: exo genes Evaluation of antibiotic resistant pattern, detection of exo genes, and determining biofilm formation ability among Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from blood and urine samples [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: fimC. Frequency vat1 and fimC genes in isolates of Escherichia coli tissue of patients with colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease large Iranian population [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: flowcytometry. Study of Effect Fetal Bovine Serum on morphology, viability and recombinant human Growth Hormone production in compared to Serum Free Media in CHO cells [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: foliar application of iron Effect of iron on gene expression Cm APX in salt stress conditions in Sistan melon landraces [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: genotype qnrB Prevalence of qnr gene in clinical Acinetobacter isolates [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: glycosylated hemoglobin. The effect of thyroid hormones on glycosylated hemoglobin and glycosylated albumin in patients with type 1 diabetes and Hashimoto disease and comparison with healthy people. [Volume 10, Number 38]
:: gold nanoparticles Detection of miRNA biomarkers by using Gold Nanoparticles [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: gram positive and gram negative bacteria. Evaluate anti-bacterial effects of cinnamomun verum and ferula gummosa essential oil on some pathogen gram positive and negative bacteria [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: hippocampus. The effect of nicotine on weight and hippocampus development in Wistar rats’ embryo [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: histamine, anxiety, sensitization, plus- maze, rat Effects of histamine on anxiety-related behavior in morphine sensitized and naïve rats [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: insect cell Iau Science. Comparison of expression of recombinant binding region (RBD) of SARS-CoV-2 virus in Escherichia coli and insect cells, evaluation of recombinant protein function with patient serum [Volume 14, Number 53]
:: labeling Preparation and investigation of ICD-85 biodistribution by 131I [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: lactobacillus acidophilus The evaluation of oral probiotic feeding on T cell subsets infiltration in chicken as experimental model. [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: lincomycin Optimization of lincomycin production by Streptomyces lincolenesis PTCC 1629 [Volume 7, Number 26]
:: luminal A Study of CK19 tumor marker expression in the luminal A breast cancer cell lines [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: mRNA targets Therapeutic Use of DNA catalysts: New Approach in Disease Treatment [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: male and female reproductive organs. Investigating the effect of nanoparticles on activated intracellular pathways in male and female reproductive organs Running title: Investigating the effect of nanoparticles [Volume 14, Number 56]
:: medicine Synthesis and Applications toward Biology, Catalysis, and medicine Gold Nanoparticles [Volume 4, Number 13]
:: mice. Effects of Chitosan Coated Fe3O4 Nanoparticles on Wistar Rat Blood Parameters [Volume 7, Number 25]
:: microRNA , Interleukin-2, anti-CD2,CD3,CD28, let-7 family, clonal expansion Investigation of let-7 family expression in CD4+ T cells induced by anti-CD2, CD3, CD28 and Interleukin-2 and identifying their potential targets [Volume 3, Number 10]
:: molecular pathways Programmed cell death in plants [Volume 7, Number 26]
:: multidrug resistant Antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of human pathogenic bacteria isolated from patients with urinary tract infection [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: mutagenesis Assessment of pH effect on mutation and perturbation of P53 gene by computational and modeling methods [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: mycobacterial infection, hematological malignancy, bone marrow aspiration, PCR, culture Study of Mycobacteria lInfection in Hematological Malignancies using Culture and PCR Method of Bone Marrow Aspiration [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: nr DNA ITS Phylogenetic analysis of Chaenorhinum, Kickxia and Nanorrhinum with focus on taxa in the Flora Iranica region, based on nuclear ribosomal (ITS) sequence [Volume 15, Number 57]
:: oct4 Evaluation spirulina extract effect on DU145cell line and oct4 gene expression pattern in treated cell [Volume 8, Number 32]
:: organic solvents, metalloproteases, elastase, enzyme activity, stability. Evaluation of protease stability from Pseudomonas aeroginosa strain PTCC1430 in organic solvents [Volume 3, Number 9]
:: osteosarcoma. Synthesis of biodegradable and self-assembled anionic nano –carrier: Novel approach for improvement of Curcumin- delivery to bone tumors cells & Mathematical modeling of drug-release kinetic [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: pH sensitive. An evaluation of the transmembrane ammonium sulfate gradients method in lipid system to improve trapping capacity of amphipathic weak base drugs [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: pMR12 . Study and Evolution Cloning of the Gene Encoding the L-AsparaginaseΙΙ from E. coli in B. subtilis [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: parsley (Petroselinum crispum). Hydro priming impact on improvement of germination and seedling growth of parsley under salinity [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: peroxidase Evaluation of oxidative activity of horseradish peroxidase in thepresence of zinc ion; spectroscopic and molecular docking study [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: pigments Effect of Fe and Nano Fe chelated on micropropagation of olive cv. Dezful [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: plcN Assessment of virulence factors(elastase and phospholipase) and antibiotic susceptibility in Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from clinical samples [Volume 8, Number 29]
:: polymorphism. Investigating the correlation of polymorphism (rs1893316) Catsper1 gene with asthenozoospermia in men that referred into infertility treatment clinics of east azarbaijan of ACECR [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: primer Study of chelidonium majus genetic diversity by ISSR markers in Iran [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: process of evolution Nucleotide sequence analysis of phylogenetic and evolutionary status of BLG gene [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: pronormoblast, cytochalasin B, cytokinesis, micronucleus test The Appropriate Dosage for the in Vivo Treatment of Bone Marrow cells in the Balb/c mouse with Cytochalasin B Using Micronucleus Test [Volume 3, Number 10]
:: protoplast fusion Strain improvement for degradation of lignocellulosic compounds [Volume 9, Number 33]
:: qRT-PCR Quantitative investigation of miRNA-196a-2 expression level in ovarian cancer patient in compare with normal by real Time PCR [Volume 9, Number 33]
:: rat The study of the role of GABAa receptors during fetal development on the levels of cytokines in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex of NMRI mouse offsprings. [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: recombinant protein Development of HIV-1 recombinant protease (rPR) expression, solubility and purification problems by TOPO-Cloning in E. coli BL21 [Volume 6, Number 21]
:: replication fork Chromatin Replication and Epigenome Maintenance [Volume 9, Number 35]
:: respiratory disease Molecular identification of Ornithobacterium isolates from poultry in Markazi Province [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: rs10719 polymorphism The study of Relationship between miRNA Machinery Genes polymorphism (DROSHA & EXPORTIN5) and recurrent spontaneous abortion in city of tehran [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: rs2071214 Assessment of association of A9194G polymorphism in the exon 4 eneg survivin with the gastric cancer risk. [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: secondary metabolites. Study the chemical stimuli effects of Methyl Jasmonate and Salicylic acid on stimulation of Hypericin production in Hypericum (Hypericum perforatum L.) [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: shuttle box Effect of Hypericum perforatum extract on consolidation of passive avoidance learning of acutely restrained male wistar rats [Volume 4, Number 13]
:: silica The magnetic property maintain of magnetic nanoparticles after silicone coating [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: silver nanoparticles. Production of silver Nano particle by mesophilic aerobic bacteria isolated from Persian Gulf [Volume 9, Number 36]
:: simulation. Calcalation of brain and thyroid radiation scattered absorbed dose due to proton therapy of eyes using MCNPX simulation code [Volume 10, Number 38]
:: sol-gel. Immobilization of laccase in Biofuel cells by Sol–Gels and Carbon Nanotubes [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: spectrophotometry Molecular Screening of Serratia Marcescens Producing Serratiopeptidase Enzyme and Prodigiosin Pigment from Paddy Field Waters in West Mazandaran [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: spermatogenesis Study of nettle hydro alcoholic extraction (Urtica dioica) influence on spermatogenesis and Testosterone, spermatogenesis hormones, changes in rats [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: target proteins Identification of potential protein targets in P. syringae using bioinformatic analysis to control this pathogen [Volume 8, Number 31]
:: testosterone The role of curcumin in protection of induced TDS( testicular dysgensis syndrome ) testicular cells by phthalate in mice [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: tetA and tetB Prevalence of tetracycline resistance genes (tetA, tetB) and antibiotic resistance pattern in uropathogenic Escherichia coli isolates [Volume 7, Number 25]
:: therapeutic agent Identification of extermophilies producing l- glutaminase and l-asparaginase from Larijanhotspring [Volume 8, Number 31]
:: total carotenoid A survey on total carotenoids, chlorophyll a and b and also antioxidant activity of derived from four strain of green alga isolated from the Golestan coasts, (Caspian Sea) [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: total phenol Effects of postharvest silicon application on phenolics, antioxidant system and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity in plum (Prunus salicina Shablon) fruits [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: toxin Application of bacteria in cancer therapy [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: transcriptome. Modeling the transcriptome pattern of airway epithelial cells effective in the progression of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [Volume 14, Number 56]
:: transfection. Membrane Washing, a New Method to Isolate Membrane Phospholipids Without Cell Destruction [Volume 14, Number 56]
:: treadmill Synergistic Effect Of Treadmill Exercise And Green Tea Extract On Cutaneous wound Healing In Diabetic Mice [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: tumor diagnosis Preparation and purity determination of radiolabeled taxol and evaluation of its absorption in murine melanoma [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: type 2 diabetes. Evaluation of the relationship between different polymorphisms of vitamin D receptor gene and renal diseases in patients with type 2 diabetes in Khuzestan province [Volume 9, Number 36]
:: urinary tract infection. Study of stone nature and bacterial identification in patients’ pelvis suffering from urinary stones [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: vaginal and intestinal cell lines Evaluating the Adherence of Fluconazole Resistant Candida albicans Species in comparison with Candida glabrata Species on Vagina and Intestine Cell Lines [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: velocity The effect of glucose and citric acid on Bovine sperm motility patterns [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: velocity Germination vernalization Effects of artificial frost on seed germination of apricot [Volume 5, Number 17]

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